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invented the technique in the 1920s as a way to help his patients deal with anxiety. Dr. Jacobson felt that relaxing the muscles could relax the mind as well.Edmund Jacobson Relaxation
Relaxation comes from the word __1 re "again", laxare "loosen", -ation "the state of" "The state of loosening something again"
A state of altered consciousness, a slowing of breath and heart rate It is a method that decreases the negative effects of stress on your body and mind. Utilizing __ techniques can help you manage daily stress. Additionally, these methods can help with chronic stress or stress connected to different medical issues, like heart disease and painRelaxation
1 Advantages of RELAXATION 2 Disadvantages1 Improves Concentration Improves Digestion Increases Blood Flow Lessens Anger and Frustration Lowers Blood Pressure Lowers Risk of Stroke Promotes Emotional WellBeing Reduces Fatigue Reduces Inflammation Slows Heart Rate 2 Negative experiences such as increased anxiety, intrusive thoughts, or fear of losing control
A process of training one's mind to be attentive, to focus in a nonanalytical way, an attempt to refrain from rumination, as in relaxation A techniques include specific postures, focused attention, or an open attitude toward distractions. People use this to increase calmness and relaxation, improve psychological balance, cope with illness, or enhance well-being.Meditation two types" Concentrative Mindfulness
Involves concentrating on one thing while sorting out everything else around you. It is to achieve a higher level of being by experiencing whatever you are focused on, whether it is your breath, a specific phrase, or a mantra.Concentrative meditation
encompasses a variety of practices, including mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive treatment (MBCT). Mindfulness may address a variety of conditions, such as depression, therefore its emphasis may vary from practice to practice. Overall, it entails being aware of and active in the present moment, as well as making yourself open, aware, and receptive.Mindfulness meditation
1 Advantages Meditation 2 Disadvantage1 enhanced general resistance to the stress establish coping skills 2 - Work, practice, and personal effort are required - Being more aware can sometimes raise personal frustration or judgment
Developed in the 18th century by German scientist Franz Mesmer for the treatment of his patients in Vienna and Paris.Hypnosis
1 The word "hypnosis " and "hypnotism" both derive from the term __ 2 coined by1 "neuro-hypnotism" 2 the Scottish surgeon James Braid (1841).
Components of Hypnosis1 Absorption 2 Dissociation 3 Suggestion
1 The amount of investment a person has in the hypnosis session. 2 When a person's behavioral control is separated from his or her awareness. 3 Act of focusing the conscious mind on a single point person guides the hypnotized person's thoughts, feelings or behaviors, helping the person change their ideas.1 Absorption 2 Dissociation 3 Suggestion
1 Advantages HYPNOSIS 2 Disadvantages HYPNOSIS1 It can improve health and lifestyle by creating a state of deep relaxation, quiet conscious mind and leaves unconscious part of mind. Reduces anxiety, relieves pain, lowers blood pressure, and treats migraines. 2 hopes of finding miracle cure and get disappointed.