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level: Basics of DNA Replication

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Basics of DNA Replication

Nitrogen BaseMakes up the "rungs" of the DNA ladder
Sugars and phosphatesAlternate along the "sides" of the DNA ladder
NucleotideMade up of a pentose sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base
Double HelixThe shape of the DNA molecule
RNAuses the code from DNA to make proteins
Adenine always pairs withThymine
Cytosine always pairs withGuanine
TraitA characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.
GeneA segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait
Chromosomesthread-like structures made of bundled up DNA molecules that contain the genes
How is DNA different from RNA?DNA has Thymine, RNA has Uracil DNA has deoxyribose, RNA has ribose DNA is a double helix, RNA is a single helix
Hydrogen bond in DNAA weak chemical bond that holds together, the complementary strands of DNA. The hydrogen bonds and the nitrogen bases form the rungs of the DNA.
HelicaseUnzips DNA
PrimaseAn enzyme that joins RNA nucleotides to make the primer using the parental DNA strand as a template.
DNA PolymeraseBuilds new DNA strand by adding complementary nucleotides
LigaseAn enzyme that connects (Glues) two fragments of DNA to make a single fragment
Leading StrandThe new continuous complementary DNA strand synthesized along the template strand in the mandatory 5' to 3' direction.
Lagging StrandThe strand that is synthesized in fragments using individual sections called Okazaki fragments. from 3' to 5'
DNA Replication Steps1) Helicase- unwinds the parental double helix 2) DNA topoisomerase - upstream of helices alleviating torsional strain 3) Single-strand binding proteins (SSBP) stabilize unwound DNA, aided by DNA gyrase. 4) Primase synthesizes a short RNA primer for DNA polymerase to bind to in the 5' to 3' direction to start replication on each strand. 5) DNA polymerase synthesizes the leading strand in 5' to 3' direction while the lagging strand is made discontinuously by primase making short pieces and then DNA polymerase extending these to make Okazaki fragments. 6) DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments together
AntiparallelThe opposite arrangement of the sugar-phosphate backbones in a DNA double helix.