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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Biomarkers for archaeaIsoprenoid ether lipids - Diether lipids (Archaeol) - Tetraether lipids (GDGTs)
Membrane archaea: two kinds of bondsx
Biomarker for ammonium oxidizing ThaumarchaeotaCrenarchaeol (GDGT)
Biomarker for methanotrophic ArchaeaIsoprenoid lipids with low 13C content
Biomarker for halophilic archaeadietherlipid with C25 isoprenoid chain
Biomarker of CrenarchaeotaDon't have specific biomarkers and don't produce Crenarchaeol , but produce other DGDTs
What do Thaumarchaeota do?Oxdize ammonia to nitrate (nitrification)
Thaumarchaeota don't need...?Light. But phytoplankton does. Both need Ammonium
ANME 2:Hydroxy diether lipids
What do ANME do?They are anaerobic methanotrophs and oxidize methane
What can Thaumarchaeota produce themselves?Oxygen. This is why they can live in the deep
GDGT -1 to 4x
GDGT-5 to 8x