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level: level 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level 2

What is the chief source of citral?1 Lemongrass oil (75% to 80%) 2 Citrus spp.
Describe the process utilized in the recovery of Lemon oil. What other oils may be obtained by theses processes?Lemon oil can be obtained by expression process. Other oils obtained from this process is Citrus oils and Orange oils
1 Does lemon oil obtained by distillation conformed to pharmaceutical standards.? 2 What is the use of distilled oil of lemon?1 Yes 2 Cleansing, Astringent, Relief of cold symptoms
Name the kinds of eucalyptus oils available in commerce. What are the chief constituents of each kind? Give at least two species yielding each type of oil.Eucalyptus globulus oil (oxide &monoterpene) Eucalyptus Radiata oil (oxides&monoterpenol) Eucalyptus citriodora oil (aldehyde) Eucalyptus dives oil (ketone&monoterpene)
1 Give the botanical garden and habitat of Canella bark. 2 What other names are used for this drug? 3 What are the principal constituents of its oil and what is the bark used for?1 native to the Caribbean from the Florida Keys to Barbados. 2 Cinnamon bark, Wild cinnamon 3) 1,8 cineole, terpinen-4-ol, a terpinyl acetate, a terpinol. Uses: Tonic, for toothaches, for cold, for blood circulation
What is Bay Laurel? Give the botanical origin, habitat, and uses.Aromatic evergreen plant with glabrous leaves Belongs to the family Lauraceae Native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, the Middle East, Western Asia, and North Africa
1 What other volatile oil contains safrole as the principal ingredient? 2 What precautions should you take regarding its use?1 Brown camphor oil, Yellow camphor oil 2 Not to be used on broken skin or injured skin because its toxicity will be absorbed. Can cause respiratory problems such as coughing and wheezing when inhaled
Name other natural sources of camphorObtained from Borneo Camphor Tree, East African Camphor Wood Tree, Camphor Laurel Tree
List other official and non ofiicial preparations containing camphor as an ingredient. What is each preparation used for?Tiger balm, analgesic Vicks, cough reliever Bengay, pain and aches Icy hot, pain reliever Biofreeze, pain reliever
What is Blue Flag? Where is its habitat, and what is its active constituent?1 A native herb found in eastern and central canada. People use blue flag for conditions such as bloating, swelling (inflammation), fluid retention, liver problems 2 Triterpinoids, Oleoresin, salicylic acid, isophthalic acid
Describe the process enfleuragea technique that extracts scents and oils from plants. The advantage of this technique is that even the most fragile plants can be used.
Give the rationale behind the absorption of essential oil in fatsBecause of their solubility in the lipids found in the stratum corneum, lipophilic substances (such as essential oils) are considered to be easily absorbed.