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level: Measuring Economic Performance

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Measuring Economic Performance

What are the 4 Macroeconomic Indicators that helps see a Nation’s Economic Performance?-Rate of Economic Growth -Rate of Inflation -Level of Unemployment -Balance of Payments
How can Economic Growth be Measured?-Measures the Changes in the National Output over a Period of Time
What is the National Output? How can it be Measured? Connect it with GDP-National Output is all the Goods and Services made by a Country -Output can be Measured by Adding up the Quantity of Goods and Services made in 1 Year. -Or by Calculating the Value of all Goods and Services Made in One Year. This is GDP
How else can GDP be Calculated? [Not National Output-Calculating the National Expenditure [Aggregate Demand] or adding the National Income Made in a Year
What is a 1. Boom 2. Recession and Slump 3. Economic Depression1. Booms are when there is a Long Period of Economic Growth Rates 2. If there is Negative Economic Growth for 2 Consecutive Quarters, then a Recession is in Place. A Slump is just a Long Recession 3. Economic Depression is a Sustained Economic Downturn which lasts for a Long Time
What is the Difference between Nominal GDP and Real GDP? Why does it even matter?-Nominal GDP is the GDP Figure that hasn’t been Adjusted for Inflation, while Real GDP is when Inflation has been Accounted for -This is Important as since GDP is the VALUE of the Goods and Services, so Inflation can Impact it [Make the Value go Up] but this doesn’t mean the Economy is actually Growing. -So if the Real GDP is Negative, but Nominal is Positive, there may be just very High Inflation
What can GDP per Capita show off? State the Formula-This can show off the Standard of Living in the Nation. This is just National GDP Divided by the Population Size -If the GDP per Capita is High, then the Standard of Living is also High
What does 1. GNI 2. GNP Measure?-GNI [Gross National Income] is GDP + Net Income from Abroad - which is Earned on Investment and other assets owned Abroad, Minus any Income earned by Foreigners on Investments Domestically -Gross National Product is the Total Output of the Citizens of a Country, Resident or not.
What, and why do we use, Purchasing Power Parity [PPP]-Comparing GDP per Capita across Nations that use different Currencies may not give an Accurate Picture, as the Worth of the Currency is not being Considered -PPP is the Real Value of an amount of Money in terms of what you can Buy with. £1 can get more Goods in Zimbabwe rather than Switzerland -PPP therefore will Adjust the GDP per Capita to account the PPP Disparities, usually shown in $
What are the Limits of GDP and GDP per Capita?-The Hidden Economy - Economic Activity that will not show up in Figures [Cash in Hand, Homewife] -Public Spending: Governments may give more Benefits than Others. So 2 Nations then with Similar GDP per Capita numbers, but 1 may spend more to Provide Benefits that help the Nation and Standard of Living -Income Inequality. 2 again may have Similar figures, but the Distribution of Income may be Abysmal -Other Differences in Standard of Living [Hours worked, Working Conditions, Damage to Environment and Spending needs]
What are Index Numbers - why are the used? [GDP]-These just track Change in a Particular Variable. They use a Base Number [100] and go from there -For GDP, it can show off how much, in % the Economy [GDP] has Grown