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level: Wings, Parties and Ideas {20}

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Wings, Parties and Ideas {20}

What is the Left Wing?-Ideologies, Ideas and Policies that care for Socialism -Redistribution of Income, Rules on Excess of Capitalism, Protecting Workers Rights, State Welfare and Nationalisation are Key Ideas
What is the Right Wing?-Ideologies, Ideas and Policies that care for the Free Market Capitalism and Accepting Social and Economic Inequality. -State plays a Little Role, Low Taxation and Welfare, and a Hard line to Crime and preventing Terrorism - Collective Rights over Individual Rights
How may Left Wing Ideas Clash with the Right Wing-Left want Income to be Redistributed via Taxation & Welfare as well as Good Minimal Wage while the Right wants Low Taxes to encourage Enterprise and to Work -Left want to Protect Workers Rights and TU Power while the Right want the State to not Intervene with the Workings of the Economy [Except in times of Crisis] -Left want Projects designed to allow Equality of Opportunities - Education mainly that is Funded by Taxpayer’s Money while the Right wants a Free Market solution with Private Schooling
What are the Main Ideas of the Conservative Party? (EX)-Order a Harmony in the Nation [Law and Order] -Oppose Strongly held Ideology or Political Principles -Gentle Reform over Radical Change -Individualism thrives, and a Limited State to Intervene -Patriotism & Support for Traditional Institutions and Values -Low Taxing, Supporting Capitalism -Importance of Private Property Ownership -Collective Rights > Individual Rights
What is a Party Function?-Group within a Party, formal or informal, which wants Ideas that are Different from the Mainstream Ideas of the Party
What is the One Nation Conservatives - what do they Believe in? (EX)-Party Function in the Conservative Party, and Believe in: -Accept the demand for a Welfare State -Believe in Organic Society - Support for Local Institutions [the Church…] to bind Society Together -Pro EU -Want Private Enterprise but allows a Mixed Economy
What is the term ‘Noblesse Oblige’ -Which Party Function in Conservatives support it?-The French Term means that the Rich has Responsibility to the Poor -The One Nation Conservatives support this Phrase
Why does the One Nation Conservative differ from the Mainstream - what is their Concern?-One Nation Conservatives care for Social Cohesion -Therefore they favour a Welfare State and push for a Mixed Economy [Not Completely the Free Market] rather than Privatisation
What are the New Right Conservatives' main Ideas? (EX)-Individual Wealth should be left Alone [not Taxed] -Welfare State leads to a Dependency to the State -Strong Police force for a Strong Respect Order -Anti-EU, Pro USA and Skeptical of Immigration -Strong push for Limited State - Privatisation
What does the New Right concern for?-Combines Neo-Conservative [Traditional Values & Strong Law and Order] along with Neo-Liberal [Limited State Intervention in Economy and little Taxation]
How is the New Right, in the Conservative Party, also Split?-Neo Conservatism cares for a Belief in Order, Traditional Values, Skeptical of Immigration. -Society is naturally Hierarchical -Neo-Liberalism wants Free Markets or roam freers, as well as Privatisation. Welfare is Opposed as they feel it will lead to Dependency [Individualism]
In terms of the Economy, how is there -New Right Evidence -One Nation Evidence (EX)-New Right can come from how 2019 Manifesto states to not Raise National Inurance Contributions, VAT and Income Tax - People should keep their Wealth -One Nation can come from how Sunak announced £170 bn Investment in 2020 budget, including a number of Infrastructure projects, to Boost Economic Growth. Fits with the how the Mixed Economy is liked by One Nation
In terms of Welfare, how is there -New Right Evidence -One Nation Evidence (EX)-2010 and Beyond has seen Reduction in Benefits [Benefits Caps] the Bedroom Tax [Receive less in Housing Benefit if more Bedrooms] and introducing Universal Credit [and slashing its Budget time and time again] - Supports idea that Welfare leads to Dependency. -2019 Manifesto wanted ‘Levelling up’ Funds for Schools and Hospitals, Johnson wanted 20K Police Officers and 50K more Nurses - People in Position have to tend to those who don’t have that Influence [Noblesse Oblige]
In terms of Law and Order, how is there -New Right Evidence -One Nation Evidence (EX)-2020 saw Priti Patel tried to make a Point-Based Immigration System to reduce Unskilled Migrants, and Johnson to end the Early Release of those found Guilty of Terror-Related Offences [New Right Belief of Strong Police Force, and Respect for Order] -Cameron wanted Rehabilitation instead of Punishing Drug Addicts, and May had Warned against Police using Stop and Search against People of Minority Backgrounds [One Nation Belief of Compassionate Conservatism]
In terms of Foreign Affairs, how is there -New Right Evidence -One Nation Evidence (EX)-Boris Johnson had got the ‘Get Brexit Done’ during 2019 Campaign. The Tories has, historically, Backed the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - Terrorism is a Threat. [New Right as Nay EU and support for UK x USA] -Most Conservative MPs had Voted and Wanted to Remain in the EU [One Nation as Yay EU]
What are the Main Aims and Ideas of the Labour Party-Reduce the Inequality in Society [Progressive Tax System] -High Direct Taxes to Fund Public Services -Support for an Extensive Welfare State, with Free Healthcare and Large Education -Reduce Poverty - Child Poverty -Regulate Capitalism and have Social Reform -Balance the Interests of Workers vs Employers -Equal Rights and Opportunities
What is the ‘Old Labour’ [Social Democracy]-A Faction of the Labour Party that cares for more Socialist Ideas - Greater Social Equality, Active Role for State in the Economy and Generous Welfare
What are ‘Old Labour’ Main Aims?-Greater Social via Redistribution - Rich Taxed more than the Poor -State being Active - Nationalisation - and Workers Benefit from the Firm’s Profit -Focus to Rehabilitation when Criminal Justine and Crime is Discussed -Diplomacy and Peaceful Means
What is the ‘New Labour’ [Third Way]-Centrist Faction that cares for Equality of Opportunity, rather than Absolute Equality, and wants a Mixed Economy. Comfortable with Private Involvement in Welfare Provision
What are the New Labours Main Aims?-Redistribution of Rich to Poor not a Priority as Equality of Opportunity. -Mixed Economy, and even Public x Private Partnerships when giving out Healthcare and Education -Sometimes, Military Intervention is Needed -Have a Strong Criminal Justice with Tough Sentencing, but also care for the Cause of the Crime
In terms of Equality, What Evidence is there of: 1. New Labour 2. Old Labour (EX)1. Gap between the Richest and Poorest had Grown under the Last Labour Government, even though the Minimal Wage had been Introduced. [New Labour of Redistribution of Income is not a Priority] 2. 2019 Manifesto had wanted to Reduce the Minimal Wage from £8.21 to £10, and raise Taxes on the Highest Earners [Old Labour belief that Equality and Rich be Taxed the Most]
In terms of the Economy, what Evidence is there of: 1. New Labour 2. Old Labour (EX)1. Labour had never Reversed Thatcher’s Privatisation of Public Companies while in Government. [New Labour idea of Mixed Economy] 2. Under Brown, RBS and Northern Rock had been Nationalised [Purely Economic Reasons?] and Corbyn wanted to make a National Investment Bank with £350bn coming from the Public to Support Rebuilding of Regional Industries. Starmer had also Wanted Mail, Railway and Energy to be Nationalised [Old Labour of the State playing an Active Role]
In terms of Welfare, What Evidence is there of: 1. New Labour 2. Old Labour (EX)1. Cleaning Services in the NHS would be given to Private Companies under the Last Labour Government. The Party has also supported Businesses to sponsor Underperforming Schools [New Labour wanting Public - Private Partnership for the Welfare State] 2. Corbyn had wanted Hospital Cleaning back to Public Hands, and the 2019 Manifesto had Stipulated the Delivery of Education back into Local Authority Control [Old Labour being Concerned for Private Involvement in Welfare State]
In terms of Law and Order, how is there: 1. New Labour 2. Old Labour (EX)1. 2019 Manifesto wanted Prison Officer Numbers to the 2010 Levels, and Recruit more Frontline Police Officer [New Labour wanting to be Tough on Crime and the Causes] 2. 2019 Manifesto also wanted a Presumption against Prison Sentences for Non-Violent and Non-Sexual Offences [Old Labour wanting Prison to Not be the Only way an Offender can be Rehabilitated]
In terms of Foreign Affairs, how is there Evidence of: -New Labour -Old Labour (EX)1. Ed Miliband wanted Action against ISIS. Hilary Bend - Shadow Foreign Secretary - wanted Action in Syria in 2015 [New Labour belief in, regardless who is Leader, that New Labour sees Humanitarian Intervention Involved is Needed, despite International Support. Many Labour MPs can Agree that Diplomacy doesn’t always Work 2. Miliband also wanted the Party to vote Against Military Action in Syria in 2013, and wanted UN Engagement. Corbyn also didn’t want Action in Syria. [Old Labour wanting Internationalism and Diplomacy first]
What is Key to Remember about the Labour Party - Corbyn’s Popularity and Starmer’s Position?-Parlimentary Labour was frequently Against Corbyn and so it is Hard to Say if Labour was really ‘Old Labour’ -And Starmer remain to be a Centrist
What are the Main Ideas of the Liberal Democratic Party? [Lib Dems]-Strong Belief in Individual Liberty -Equal Rights and Rule of the Law -State Welfare for Equal Opportunities, with Greater Freedom of Choice and Well Supported Education -Checks in the Political System to not have Abuse of Power -Constitution Reform to make UK more Democratic and Decentralised. -Protecting the Environment & Support for Private Property Ownership -Abolishing the Inherited Privilege -Close with the EU -People having Diverse Lifestyles
What are the Classical [Orange Book] Liberals-Liberals that follow a Liberalism that goes back to the 19th Century -Cares for Maximising Personal Freedom and Minimal State
What are the Classical Liberals Main Ideas?-Maximising Personal Freedom, Individuals to keep their own Wealth and Property -Free Markets and Free Trade Smaller State and Curbing the Government Spending
What are the Modern Liberals?-Liberals who had Emerged after Classical Liberalism in the late 19th Century -Cares for Maximum Freedom, but wanting the State should Intervene in the means of Creating Greater Equality of Opportunity, Welfare and Social Justice -Wanting Social Diversity as well
What are the Modern Liberals main Beliefs and Aims?-Freedom through a Strong Welfare State that can Provide Equality of Opportunity -‘Enabling’ State -Graduated Taxing System where Lower-Income Groups don’t Pay as Much as Higher Income Groups
2019 Manifesto had Stated to Promise Tackling the Climate Emergency by Insulating all Low-Income Homes by 2025 -Do the Classical and Modern Liberals Support this? [Lib Dems] (EX)-Classical Liberals Support, as Property Rights are not Harmed. -Modern Liberals also Support, as the Reduction in Energy Bills means the Lower-Incomes will be more ‘Free’ to Spend or Save their Wages on what is Needed
2019 Manifesto had Stated to Stop Brexit -Do the Classical and Modern Liberals Support this? [Lib Dems] (EX)-Classical really love Free Markets and Movement of Capital, so, a Clear Support is Recognised -Modern Liberals also want the UK to be Diverse and Multicultural, and Brexit Threatens such a Reversal, so Support for Brexit to be Stopped is also Recognised.
2019 Manifesto states for Corporation Tax to be Raised from 17% to 20% [Lib Dems] -Do the Classical and Modern Liberals Support this? (EX)-Classic says no. They say it Harms Growth -Modern says Yes. Important for Taxes to be Raised to fund the Welfare State
2019 Manifesto States for Reverse Cuts to School Funding and have Schools employ 20K more Teachers [Lib Dems] -Do the Classical and Modern Liberals support this? (EX)-Classical says No. They supported the Austerity Agenda of the Coalition Government from 2010-2015 -Modern says Yes, as Education Funding is the Key to ensure Equality of Opportunities
What had Happened with the ‘Orange Book’ Faction during the Coalition Government? (EX)-Orange Book [Classical] was Influential, and Nick Clegg had wanted ‘Savage’ Public-Sector Cuts. -But since 2015, the Lib Dem’s have Adopted more Modern Liberal Policies, as the 2019 Manifesto States
What is the SNP Policies, and what Stance are they?-Scottish National Party -Wants a 2nd Independence Referendum [Which was Denied] , As Much Devolved Power as Possible and to be Closer to the European Union, End Austerity by putting Benefit Caps up, Wanting better Public-Sector Health and Education, Investing in Renewable Energy and Cancelling the Trident Nuclear Missile Programme -Lies to the Left
What are the Reform UK Policies, and what Stance are they? (EX)-After the Brexit, a Rename took place, to Reform UK -2019 Manifesto had Stated for the NHS to remain Nationalised, Less Immigration, Abolishing the HoL, Scrapping HS2 and the Inheritance Tax and bring the Citizens Initiatives where People can Call Referendums [5 Million Threshold] -Lies on the Right
What is UKIP’s main Policies, and what Stance are they? (EX)-United Kingdom Independence Party -Cares for being Eurosceptic, being Hard on Immigration and wanting Britain to not care for International Events but Domestic Event - wanted the Foreign Aid Budget Cut, and Opposes British Military Involvement. Also wants BBC licence Fee Ended, and more Police Numbers -Lies on the Right
What are the Green Party’s Main Policies and what stance are they?-Cares for Environmental Protection with the Green New Deal -Wants a UBI in Place - Universal Basic Income -Closer to the EU -Political Reform, like Changing the Electoral System & Lowering the Voting Age -Lies on the Left
What is Plaid Cymru and what Stance are they?-Has Similar Nationalist Polices to the SNP, but will Accept that Wales will not get their Independence anytime Soon -Similar Economic and Social Policies to the SNP -Lies on the Left
What is the DUP and what Stance are they?-Democratic Unionist Party -Closer ties with the UK and NI, and having Open Border with Ireland. Also wanting to Resist Liberal Social Policies like no Gay Marriage Act. No Integration of Religious Schools too [Protestant] -Lies on the Right
What is Sinn Fein, and what Stance are they?-Wanting to Reunify with Ireland - Main Policy -Also wants the Living Wage to be Raised, and have NI Re-Enter the EU if the Irish Unification ever became Real [Catholic] Lies on the Left
How can these Smaller Parties be Important in the UK Political System? (EX)-Can Divert Votes away from the Main Parties [SNP has Kicked Labour out, and UKIP took Votes from Labor and Conservative in 2015] -If a Marginal Constituency appears with the Major Parties, then the Smaller Parties May Split the Vote [Brexit Party didn’t Campaign in Conservative Held, or Marginal Seats, to ensure Labour didn’t have a Chance -Small Parties can affect the Large Parties Policies if they are a Threat [UKIP’s Success at 2014 EU Elections made Conservative promise a Referendum. 2019 EU Elections from Brexit made Conservatives go Harder]
How are these Smaller Parties Irrelevant in the UK Political System? (EX)-Support Base may just be in a Specific Place [SNP in Scotland] and only Limited to 1 Election [UKIP Vote had Plummeted in 2017 GE] -FPTP doesn’t care for Parties with Spacial Voting. [UKIP won 13% of the Vote in 2015 GE, but got 1 Seat] -Policies of the Smaller Parties are Subsumed by the Big Parties, giving them Limited Appeal. [Labour wanted the Net-Zero Carbon Emissions in 2019 Manifesto, which Damaged the Support for the Greens]