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level: attachment

Questions and Answers List

level questions: attachment

What is attachment- Proximity seeking - Separation anxiety - secure base behaviour
The different theories of attachmentBehaviourist theory - classical conditioning such as associating something they wants with person who often gives it such as the mum they make attachments and maintain it through operant conditioning Biological theory - pre programmed to have attachment with others as it helps them survive
Evolutionary theoriesLorens ( GEESE) SUGGESTED Imprinting does not appear to be active immediately after hatching, although there seems to be a critical period during which imprinting can occur (different for different species). Harlow - monkey breast feed cloth or no cloth - Comfort and security are more important than just food in the formation of attachment.
The impact of not forming attachments typesDeprivation: Refers to a bond that was formed but then broken through some kind of separation (e.g. temporary hospitalisation, death of the mother, etc.) Privation: Occurs when the baby does not form a bond with a caregiver at all (e.g. neglected children, orphans, etc.)
Things they were observing in Ainsworth and Bell1. Proximity and contact-seeking: (e.g. approaching, reaching). 2. Contact-maintaining behaviours: (e.g. clinging, embracing, resisting release). 3. Avoidance of proximity and contact: (e.g. ignoring adult, moving away). 4. Resistance to comfort and contact: (e.g. pushing away, angry screaming). 5. Search behaviour: (e.g. following mother to the door, looking at empty chair).
Results of Ainsworth and BellBabies explore more when mum present babies find it most distressing when mum not there babies search more when left alone
Evaluation of Ainsworth and BellSuports both nature ( exsists when mother is not present ) and nurture ( the situation such as stranger influences bhv) Supports psych as science - standardised procedure - replicate ,quan data from coding scheme Validity - lacks eco v as not an everyday task to leave child with stranger and low p validity - American families Ethics - infants
Attachment applicationProviding high quality daycare enough staff to child ratio all have a key person to provide enough care . staff qualified in child developments staff training