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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

.ANCIENT EGYPT The seated Scribe cerca 2 500 BCE
.ANCIENT EGYPT The smask of Tutankhamun reign : 1 332 - 1 323 BCE
.ANCIENT EGYPT Nefertiti Bust (by the sculptor Thutmose) circa 1350 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE New York Kouros circa 590 BC
.ANCIENT GREECE Peplos Kore circa 530 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE Exekias, vase painter and potter : Achille and Ajax playing dice  circa 540 - 530 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE Polykleitos (sculptor) Doryphoros (sculpture) circa 450 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE Myron (sculptor) Diskobolos   circa 450 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE The Parthenon 447-438/432 BCE Architects : Iktinos and Kallikrates
.ANCIENT GREECE Winged Victory of Samothrace 190 BCE
.ANCIENT GREECE The Laocoon Hagèsandros , Polydôros ,Athanadôros (sculptors) 40 BCE