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level: Supply

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Supply

What is Supply?-The Quantity of Goods/Service that Produces Supply to the Market at any Given Price, at a Given Time
What does a Supply Curve show?-The Relationship between Price and Quantity Supplied. Any Point along the Curve will give you a Quantity X and a Price Y
Why do Supply Curves slope Upwards?-Ceteris Paribus, Producers and Sellers want to Maximise their Profits, and so, the Higher the Price, the Higher the Profit -So Therefore Higher Profit gives an Incentive to expand Production and Increase Supply. That's why Quantity Supplied Increases as Price Increases [More than the Cost of Supplying More]
How can Changes to the Cost of Production lead to a Shift in the Supply Curve? [And Improved Tech]-Increase in of the Cost of Production [Wages] will lead to Less Profits being made and Lead to a Left Shift. -Had it Decrease, and then more Profits would be made leading to More Profits being made and a Shift to the Right -If Technology Improves then Supply can be Increases as Cost of Production is Lowered.
How can Changes to the Productivity of Factors of Production lead to a Shift in Supply Curve?-More Productivity of a Factor of Production leads to more Output from a Unit of Factor - meaning more is Supplied and the Curve shifts Right
How can Indirect Taxes & Subsidies lead to a Shift in Supply Curve?-Indirect Tax basically Increases Costs for a Producer. -This lead to Less being Supplied and the Curve shifts to the Left. -Subsidy will Encourage Production and Reduce the Cost for the Producer, leading to more Supply and a Rightward Shift
How can Changes to the Price of Other Goods Lead to a Shift in Supply Curve?-If the Price of Product X had Increased, then a Firm may Switch Production from a less Profitable 'Good Y' to Increase the Production of X. This allows the Firm to make the most of the Higher Prices and enjoy more Profit -The Supply of Goods Y falls. -This is NOT JOINT SUPPLY
How can the Number of Suppliers lead to a Shift in Supply Curve?-More Suppliers in the Market will lead to a Rightward Shift in the Market. The Opposite is True
What is Joint Supply?-When Producing one Good/Service Involves the Production of Other Goods. This is when Markets are Interrelated. -If Crude Oil is Refined to Petrol, this will also Increase Butane.
If the Price of a Product Increases, and that Product has Joint Supply, what Happens? Make an Example with Petrol-This will lead to more Supply of the Product that had the Price Increased. -If Petrol had a Price Increase, the Level of Drilling will Increase and the Supply of Petrol and Joint Products will Increase too. [Butane]
What is Competitive Supply?-This is when 2+ Alterative Goods can be made from the Same Factors of Production. -Land may be use to Grow Potatoes, or Wheat. So its up to the Producer to Decide