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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Identifies organisms in the field if the organism is not a new discoveryDichotomous Keys
Diagram of evolutionary relationships where similar organisms that share a common ancestor are referred to as “Clades”Cladogram
Consume their food from other organismsHeterotrophic Consumers
The host cell will immediately start reproducing the virus’s DNA until so many new viruses have been produced that they burst through the cellLytic Reproduction
Viral DNA is incorporated into host’s DNA, so when the cell divides, more cells have the viral DNA in them; Production of new viruses lies dormant until environmentally triggered to enter into Lytic ReproductionLysogenic Reproduction
It wasn’t until its invention that we knew what viruses actually look like because viruses are even smaller than bacteria; also allowed us to see inside cells right down to their atoms!Electron Microscope
Formed the “Germ Theory of Disease” which states that pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, are the cause of many diseases and do not generate spontaneously...Louis Pasteur
Rules used to identify the pathogen responsible for a particular disease arguing that the same pathogen must be found in every infected organism and tested on a healthy hostRobert Koch’s Postulates
Organisms that spread pathogens (Ex: ticks, mosquitos, mice)Vectors
Makes their own food by itselfAutotrophic Producer
Helped Alexander Fleming produce the first antibiotic Penicillin which treats a very wide range of bacterial infectionsPenicillium
Have a Cell Wall and a huge Vacuole to store water and nutrients in case of drought or no sunlight for photosynthesis since they can’t move to find itRectangular plant cells
Are pores on the underside of leaves that only open during daylight to take in CO2 for photosynthesis and release O2 and will remain closed otherwise in order to avoid water lossStomata
On leaves protects against water lossWaxy cuticle
Protists, Fungi, Plants, AnimalsDomain Eukarya Kingdoms