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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

Some bacteria are good?True, Kimchi etc.
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus S____Species
Binomial Nomenclature(two name naming system)
Identifies organisms with atwo-word scientific name
First word is its Genus and the second is itsspecies
organisms similar enough that can mate AND produce FERTILE offspringSpecies
diagram of evolutionary relationships where similar organisms that share a common ancestor are referred to as “Clades”Cladogram (Phylogenetic Tree)
identifies organisms in the field if the organism is not a new discoveryDichotomous Keys
it wasn’t until its invention that we knew what viruses actually look like because viruses are even smaller than bacteria; also allowed us to see inside cells right down to their atoms!Electron Microscope (1930’s)
Viruses are technically livingFalse, they are not
Doesn’t maintain homeostasis Doesn’t have cells Doesn’t need energy Doesn’t reproduce without host Doesn’t respond to environmentNon-Living Traits
Has genetic code (DNA or RNA) Does evolveLiving Traits
Viruses infect host cells by tricking them into letting the virus inject their genetic code inside the host. This is the only way a virus can reproduce since they can’t on their ownViral Host Cell Reproduction
the host cell will immediately start reproducing the virus’s DNA until so many new viruses have been produced that they burst through the cellLytic Reproduction
viral DNA is incorporated into host’s DNA, so when the cell divides, more cells have the viral DNA in themLysogenic Reproduction
Least complex living thing! Only Prokaryotes (no organelles) Unicellular (one celled) with protective Cell Wall Some have tail used for locomotion Sexual or Asexual ReproductionBacteria - “simple survivalists”
Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaebacteriaonly bacteria that can live in harsh, archaic environments like extreme temperatures, pH, etc.
Domain Bacteria Kingdom Eubacteria -live everywhere else
Ways Bacteria get energy areHeterotrophic Consumers Autotrophic Producer
Heterotrophic ConsumersConsume their food from other organisms
Autotrophic ProducerMakes its own food by itself
Chemosynthesis -uses the chemical energy released through the breaking of molecular bonds to make food
Microbes -microorganisms
Pathogens -organisms that cause disease
Vectors -organisms that spread pathogens (Ex: ticks, mosquitos, mice)
Louis Pasteur (1860’s) -formed the “Germ Theory of Disease” which states that pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, are the cause of many diseases and do not generate spontaneously...
Robert Koch’s Postulates (1890’s) -rules used to identify the pathogen responsible for a particular disease arguing that the same pathogen must be found in every infected organism and tested on a healthy host
Vaccines -consist of a weakened version or just pieces of a pathogen, like a virus, allowing our immune systems to learn how to fight the infection with little to no symptoms
Antivirals- medication that inhibits viral reproduction after infection Ex: Hiv, Hepatitis B & C, Influenza A & B
Antibiotics- kill bacterial infection
Alcohol -kills bacteria & viruses in wounds and on surfaces
Honey -natural antiseptic for wounds
Soap or Hand SanitizerSoap
Why soap?Hand sanitizers 0.01 chance is a super microbe and grows stronger per use
Some bacteria are good?True, Kimchi etc.