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level: level2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: level2

Karyotypes -diagrams used to diagnose chromosomal disorders in humans who should normally have no more and no less than 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs
Male/Female KaryotypesThe 23rd pair are our Sex Chromosomes.
Two same sized Karyotypes arewomen
The other 22 pairs of non-sex chromosome are called .Autosomes
Gel Electrophoresis- allows scientists to compare & identify an individual’s DNA pattern
DNA will separate out into same sized pieces based on an individual’s basic DNA sequencefalse, the sizes are different and unique
Smaller pieces move faster and travel further through the gel than large piecesTrue
fingerprints are a unique combination of your ------ fingerprintsparents
Every finger has the same printFalse, they are all different
in -------, Dolly the sheep was the first clone of a mammal.1996
Genetic Engineeringmanipulating the genetic material of living organisms
Ex of Genetically Modified Organisms :(GMO’S)
when a strand of DNA transforms because it has acquired and incorporated pieces of foreign DNADNA Transformation
DNA isn’t living so it won’t breakdown as long as it’s not exposed to the elements!True
Recombinant DNAcombining a DNA plasmid from a bacterium with a gene of interest from a different organism to copy that gene and produce the protein associated with it so it came be inserted into an organism for engineering purposes
extra circular DNA in bacteria, that’s separate from its main DNAPlasmids