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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

line focus principlerelationship between actual and effective focal spots
what is the actual focal spotwhere electrons from tube current bombard the target, dependant of size of filament
effective focal spot sizefocal spot size measured under the anode target
what is the difference between a large focal and a smalllarge can withstand heat, small has better image quality
typical anode target angle5-20
what determines the size of effective focal spottarget angle
the relationship between target angle and effective focal spot is?directly proportional
anode heel effectx-ray beam has more x-rays on the cathode side because of target angle
spatial resolution determinesaccuracy anatomic structural lines
spatial resolution refers to?the smallest detectable object in an image
greater spatial resolution meanssharper image
first and second step for controlling voluntary patient movementcommunication and reduced exposure time
patient movement while imaging does what?decrease sharpness
diagnostic quality is achieved by?maximizing spatial resolution and minimizing distortion
distortion ismisrepresentation of size or shape of anatomic structure
when an image is distorted, what happens to spatial resolutionit decreases
another name for size distortionmagnification
do parts closer or father way from the IR experience more size distortionfar away
name two types of shape distortionelongation and foreshortening
what can cause shape distortion?alignment of tube, body part or IR
what 2 factors determine amount of magnificationSID and OID
spatial frequencyunit of lines per mm
relationship between spatial resolution and spatial frequencydirect
what directly impacts a systems ability to demonstrate spatial frequencypixel size
focal spot size on a standard unit.5-1.2mm
small focal spot size range.5-.6mm
large focal spot range1-1.2mm
focal spot size is determined byfilament size
when selecting the focal spot size what else are you selecting?filament size
is high or low mA used for small focal spotlow
is high or low mA for a large focal spothigh
what can focal spot size effect?spatial resolution
what is the relationship between focal spot size and spatial resolution?inverse
what happens if you use the small focal spot for many images?tube overheating and decrease tube lifetime
what is a benefit of a small focal spot?increased spatial resolution
inverse square lawintensity of x-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source
as SID increases what happens to the x-ray beam?the intensity spreads over a larger area, decreasing IR exposure
relationship between SID and mAs?inverse
when SID increases by 40cm what do you do to mAs?double it
what is the relationship between sid and spatial resolution?direct
what is the relationship between sid and size distortion?inverse
what does an air gap doreduces scatter
what does reducing scatter do?increases radiographic contrast
relationship between oid and magnificationdirect
relationship between oid and spatial resolutioninverse
how can size distortions from OID be reduced?increasing SID
magnification factorindicates how much distortion or magnification is in an image
what is the magnification formula?MF=SID/SOD
what does SOD stand for?source to object distance
formula for SOD?SOD=SID-OID
what does am MF of 1 mean?no magnification
size distortion can be increased bydecreasing SID or increasing OID
if magnification increases what happens to spatial resolutiondecreases
when tube is angled the source to ir distanceincreases
geometric properties look at?shapness of the image
what increases when there is no patient movement?spatial resolution
what is the relationship between filament size and size of the electron streamdirect
what way should x-ray beam be to decrease distortion?perpendicular
what is the point of the line focus principle?target angle so the actual focal spot stays large and the effective spot stays small
the accuracy of the anatomic structural lines displayed in a radiographic image is determined by?spatial resulution
size distortion is known as?magnification
the size of the area that is exposed to electrons from the tube current?actual focal spot
increasing the focal spot size?decreases the spatial resolution
spatial resolution is decreased by?patient movement
as SID increasesbeam intensity decreases
the air gap techniqueimproves radiographic contrast and decreases scatter photons reaching the IR
increasing pixel density means?increases spatial resolution
the misrepresentation of an image is?distortion
the smaller the anode target anglethe smaller the effective angle
standard formula for converting analog data into discreet digital unitsnyquist frequency
if sod increases and sid decreases what happes?increase magnification
what is the only geometric factor that increases image contrast?air gap because scatter is decreased