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Upon tooth eruption, mamelon are present but overtime because of mastication and speech, they wear off (abraded and flatten), this is a ______ changephysiologic
The presence of ________ allows the dentin and the pulp to defend itself.odontoblasts
If the dentin pulp unit is traumatized, as long as there is continuous _________, the dentin and pulp unit will be able to respond due to the presence of odontoblastsblood supply and lymphatic drainage
_________are located to the periphery of the pulp and are responsible for dentinogenesisOdontoblasts
Different stimuli to the pulp are:bacterial, mechanical, chemical, thermal
Different stimuli to the pulp are: StaphylococcusBacterial
Different stimuli to the pulp are: TraumaMechanical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: FractureMechanical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: Use sharp burs because dull burs cause more mechanical trauma because it will cause frictionMechanical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: AttritionMechanical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: abrasionMechanical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: Cements used in restorationChemical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: Bonding agentsChemical
Different stimuli to the pulp are: EtchantsChemical
Dentinal tubules that houses the odontoblasts have become occluded with calcified materialsDentinal Sclerosis
Dentin assumes a glassy appearance and becomes translucentDentinal Sclerosis
Common in apical 3rd of the root and midway between the DEJ and the pulp surfaceDentinal Sclerosis
Common in apical 3rd of the root and midway between the DEJ and the pulp surfaceDentinal Sclerosis
is dentinal sclerosis a good thing?yes
cause of dentinal sclerosisDentinal fluids containing calcium
Formed due to the apoptosis of odontoblastsPhysiologic Sclerotic Dentin
Occurs after the formation of apical constrictionPhysiologic Sclerotic Dentin
Physiologic Sclerotic Dentin: The apoptotic bodies suffer from necrosis leading to release of ______pyrophosphate and hydrogen phosphate
House the odontoblast cellsdentinal tubules
(products of apoptosis):dehydrate the dentinPyrophosphate
(products of apoptosis):demineralize dentin leading to release of calcium ions leading to intratubular mineralizationHydrogen Phosphate
seen in ground sections of teethDead Tracts
manifested as black zone by transmitted light and white zone by reflected lightDead Tracts
Dentinal tubules that are open and sufficiently irritated such that their contents(odontoblast cells) coagulate and they dieDead Tracts
dentinal tubules are irritated, their contents (the odontoblast) retract leaving the tubules emptyDead Tracts
tubules are twisted and numbers are reduced, some areas of the dentin not containing tubules anymoreIrregular Dentin
forms as response to aging or abnormal irritationIrregular Dentin
Irregular Dentin is sometimes calledadventitious dentin
results in the decrease in size of pulp chamber and root canalIrregular Dentin
occurs in elderly personsReticular Atrophy of the pulp
characterized by large vacuolated spaces in pulpReticular Atrophy of the pulp
degeneration and disappearance of odontoblastsReticular Atrophy of the pulp
reduced number of cellular elementsReticular Atrophy of the pulp
may be related to tooth injury, aging, attrition, abrasion, erosion, dentin dysplasia, and ehlers danlos syndromePulp Calcification
localized masses of calcificationPulp Stones
linear strands of calcified materialsDiffused Linear Calcification
seen in both radicular and coronal pulpDiffused Linear Calcification
Types of Denticles According to Location:lying within pulp tissueFree denticles
Types of Denticles According to Location:not attached to dentinal wallsAttached denticles
Types of Denticles According to Location:continuous with dentinal wallsAttached denticles
Types of Denticles According to Location:Found within the dentinEmbedded denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:Localized masses of calcified tissue resembling dentin because of the tubular structureTrue denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:Common in pulp chamberTrue denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:Composed of localized masses of calcified materialFalse denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:Nodule appears to be made up of concentric layers of lamellae deposited around a central nidusFalse denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:Referred to as interstitial denticle of surrounded with secondary dentin (irregular dentin)False denticles
Types of Denticles According to Composition:When studied microscopically, it appears larger than true denticlesFalse denticles
Resorption of teeth:Periapical inflammationExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Once the tooth become necrotic and inflamed with an abscess in the periapical area, it may result to resorption of the rootExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Reimplantation of teethExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Some dentists from the past, Instead of doing endodontic treatment inside the oral cavity they extract the tooth, do the endodontic treatment outside of the oral cavity and do it as fast as they could and reimplant the tooth back on to the socket, and splint the tooth to the adjacent teeth in order to hold it in placeExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:tumors and cystsExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Excessive mechanical or occlusal forcesExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Impaction of teethExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:IdiopathicExternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Also known as Chronic Perforating Hyperplasia of the pulp, internal granuloma, odontoclastoma, or pink tooth of mummery(name after James mummery)Internal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Appears line a pink-hued area on the crown which represents hyperplastic, vascular pulp tissue filling the resorbed are and showing through the remaining overlying tooth substanceInternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Occur when the osteoclast in the dentin demineralizes the dentin and it is replaced by granulation tissue(color pink)Internal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Possible cause: injury, physical trauma, or cariesInternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Radiographically, has round or ovoid radioluscent area in the central protion of the toothInternal resorption
Resorption of teeth:Has irregular lacunar variety showing occasional osteoclast or odontoclast thus the term ODONTOCLASTOMAInternal resorption
Occurs due to deposition of excessive amounts of secondary cementum on root surfacesHypercementosis
caused by;Accelerated elongation of a toothHypercementosis
caused by;Inflammation of the toothHypercementosis
caused by;Tooth repairHypercementosis
caused by;Osteitis deformans or Paget's disease of boneHypercementosis
cementum hyperplasiaHypercementosis
Radiographically, there is thickening and blunting of roots and rounding off of the apex of rootsHypercementosis
Histologically, the cementum is arranged in concentric layers around the root and numerous resting linesHypercementosis
Small foci of calcified tissueCementicles
Lie on periodontal ligament of lateral and apical root areasCementicles
Free, attached, embedded on the cementumCementicles
They may develop from:Calcification of epithelial rest cells, further enlarges due to deposition of calcium salts in adjacent connective tissuesCementicles
They may develop from:Focal calcification of connective tissue between Sharpey's bundlesCementicles
Occurs as small round or ovoid globules of calcium saltsSharpey's bundles
Calcification of thrombosed capillaries in the periodontal ligamentSharpey's bundles
identify a:carious dentin
identify b:sclerotic dentin
identify c:dead tracts
identify d:secondary dentin
identify e:dentin
identify f:enamel
identify g:pulp
identifydentinal tubules
identify a:enamel
identify b:dead tracts of dentin
identify c:secondary dentin
identify anomaly:Free denticles
identify anomaly:Attached denticles
identify anomaly:Embedded denticles
identify anomaly:Internal resorption
identify anomaly:Internal resorption
identify anomaly:Hypercementosis
identify anomaly:resorption
identify anomaly:Internal resorption
identify anomaly:external resorption