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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

the gene variation an individual possesses for a particular traitGenotype
different variations of the same gene trait represented as uppercase and lowercase letters; genotypes consist of two allele letters, one comes from and one from dadAlleles
hides the expression of the other allele’s traitDominant Allele (uppercase letter) -
how the genotype is physically expressed; the physical appearancePhenotype
Father of GeneticsGregor Mendel
-an organism’s offspring will look like the parent due to its homozygous purebred genotypeTrue breeding
alleles separate during the formation of sex cell gametesLaw of Segregation
Dominant alleles are not always the most common and not always the most advantageous either…True
Dominant alleles are not always the most common and not always the most advantageous either… exEx: Huntington’s Disease is a rare, dominant disorder
hidden by the dominant allele’s traitRecessive Allele (lowercase letter)
- predicts the outcome probability of genetic crossesPunnett Square
two gene punnett squareDihybrid Cross
genes can separate during the formation of sex cells gametes and do not have to be linked or inherited togetherLaw of Independent Assortment
genes can separate during the formation of gametes and do always have to be inherited or linked togetherfalse, they do not
ow did Mendel figure out the possible gamete combinations written along the two axes of his dihybrid cross?He “foiled” each parent’s genotype.
1 TT : 2 Tt : 1 ttGenotypic Ratio:
3 Tall : 1 ShortPhenotypic Ratio:
In ratios, the more ----- version comes firstdominant
Axes are ------- genotypesparent’s
boxes are ------- genotypesoffsprings
both alleles are equally as dominant so both are expressed side by side at the same time in a third phenotypeCodominance
when one allele is not completely dominant over another resulting in a third mixed phenotypeIncomplete Dominance
BLOOD) genes with more than two alleles resulting in more than just two phenotypesMultiple Alleles
Type A heterozygus is alsoAo
what does oo stand forresessive/type o
Positive (+) and negative (-) blood type is not determined by multiple alleles. They are just carried on the blood type alleles. Positive blood types are dominant over negative blood types.true
EX: Skin, hair- traits controlled by two or more genes resulting in many phenotypesPolygenic Traits
the sex of an individual depends on the presence or absence of a Y chromosome. A male’s sex genotype is XY while a female’s is XX.Sex Chromosomes
only located on the “X” sex chromosomeX-Linked Traits
Since males do have a second back up X they are less susceptible to expressing X-linked traits making these traits more uncommen in men.False, they are more susceptible
PedigreesTrace a family’s genotypes and phenotypes and therefore autosomal or X-linked traits
ShadedExpresses Trait
Crossed outDeceased
What is the first step in solving a pedigreeIdentify whether the trait is Dominant or Recessive.
If every “affected” child in the pedigree has a least one parent who is also affected, then the trait isDominant
If there are “affected” children where neither of their parents are also affected, then it’sRecessive
Step two in solving a pedigree isIdentify whether the trait is Autosomal or X-linked.