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level: Chapter 7

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Chapter 7

Which levels of Data modeling are there?Conceptual Logical Physical Implementation
What is meant by "Modeling the world"?We want to create a virtual world (IT-system) that is one-to-one with the (future) physical world. • The physical world has a structure • An event in the real world might have an effect on our virtual world We want to model the “world” that is in scope: • Model the Entities we want to manage • Model the data (Attributes) we need for our purpose • Model the Relationships between the Entities is scope
Why do we want to do data modeling?Organizations need to understand the structure and flow of data Data models facilitate clarification of … • the data the systems need to store and manage • the most efficient way of organizing the data • potential risks and challenges related to data within the organization Think about how many systems of our everyday-life that depends on data: banking, traffic, social networks…
In relation to Entity relation diagrams - how do we use Entities and attributes?• Something that has identity and properties • Lecturer, Car, Location, Chair, Organizational unit,
What is atomic attributes?All attributes within an entity should be atomic, meaning we split them out into different sections. f.x with a name being split into: First_name: Christian Middel_name: Møller Last_name: Rasmussen
Which attributes should be assigned to an entity?Entities have attributes, which are characteristics that are important to the system e.g. a customers name, phone number, product name, price etc. a record is a specific instance of an entity.
What are entity ID's?• Every entity must have an identity i.e. in ERD a primary key • The primary key is an attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identify an instance of the entity • In other words, no two instances of an entity may have the same value for the primary key (think MID)
What are entity relations?Entities can be in a relationships with each other: Entity Relationships Diagram › E.g. A Customer places an Order or a Student attend a School › Relationships are modeled by straight lines between entities
Which cardinalities can we use?E.x: One ADVISOR can be related to many STUDENTS One STUDENT can be related to only one ADVISOR It is a 1:n relationship Important: • Business logic/rules drives the model • It is NOT the model that defines the business logic/rules
What is Dark Data?Data that is not used to derive decision-making. This account for around 80% of the total data in the society. Dark data ia about linkage something that ties all the data together to reveal what’s truly going on with the brand.
What is included in the process of shaping a model?1. Identify entities and attributed 2. Chose a Primary Key(quantity 3. Models relationships 4. Decide on business rules 5. Check the model.