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level: Exam 1:

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Exam 1:

Things to keep in mind when taking zinc (3)1) take on empty stomach 2) may cause abdominal pain 3) dyspepsia (upset stomach for no reason)
Mineral Classification: Major (what qualifies a nutrient in this category?)>100 mg needed daily
Mineral Classification: trace (what qualifies a nutrient in this category?)1-100mg needed daily
Mineral Classification: ultra trace (what qualifies a nutrient in this category?)<1mg needed daily
How does Zinc contribute to plants? (3)Chloroplast development plant growth Photosynthesis
Zinc RDA for 20+ yr old females, pregnant females, and lactating females?8mg/day 11mg/day 12 mg/day
Zinc RDA for males:11mg/day
Upper Limit of zinc?40 mg/day
Food sources of zinc (7)Fortified foods dairy dark leafy greens protein/animal sources shellfish legumes nuts+ seeds
What food has the most zinc?Oysters
Zinc is found most in what types of meat?dark and red meat. MUSCLE
What food does not contain zinc?Fruit!
Is free zinc ever found in the body?Yes, but not for long
When is zinc considered an antioxidant?When it is attached to a protein
Zips will _______ when there is excess Zn in the bodydecrease
Increase Zn in the body will cause a _______ of Metallothionein (MT)Increase
How many members of the ZIP?14
How many members of the ZnTs?10
Once in the enterocyte of the small intestine, Zn can do 3 different things:1) be used 2) be transported to the blood 3)stored in the cell
How is Zn regulated in the body?Through ZIPS
Where are MTS synthesized? (4)Liver Pancreas Kidney Intestine
Where are MTs located?In the golgi apparatus
MTS can be bound to these 6 elements and 1 other thing:Se Cu Ca Zn Fe Mn Xenobiotic
Are MTS antioxidants?No, but they act like one because they bind to free metals
How does Zn travel from the small intestine to the blood? (3)1) ZIP 4 and 14 2) DMT (divalent metal transporter) 3) Paracellular division
What are the two types of ZIP that specifically transfer Zn?ZIP 4 and 14
What increases the absorption of Zn (5)Cysteine Methionine Histidine Casein Picolinic acid Cas did Meth and ate PICkles in her HIStory class, and got a CYST
What 3 molecules decrease Zn absorption?Oxalate Phytate Polyphenols
What other things can decrease absorption? (5)PPIs Antacids Iron Food Processing Calcium
How do antacids and PPIs decrease Zn absorption?They decrease acid/make stomach more basic **Zinc requires acid to be digested properly!**
Where is zinc located? (3)mostly processed in the liver found within cells (mostly muscle)
Zinc Functions: (7)Antioxidant Wound healing Sexual maturation Immune system Growth Heme synthesis Taste AW SIGHT
Zinc Function categories (3)catalytic structural regulatory
Catalytic function:Zinc is a cofactor for >300 enzymes
What are the 6 main enzymes that zinc is a cofactor to:Pyruvate Dehydrogenase DNA + RNA polymerase Superoxide Dismutase Fructose 1,6-biphosphotase Leukotriene hydrolase Gustin Super Fruit DNA gets Dehydrated when a Gust of wind passes the Latrine
Zn cofactor purpose: Pyruvate dehydrogenaseConverts pyruvate -> Acetyl CoA
Zn cofactor purpose: DNA + RNA polymeraseDna replication + transcription
Zn cofactor purpose: Superoxide DismutaseCytosolic antioxidant (Antioxidant for fluid within cells)
Zn cofactor purpose: Fructose 1,6-biphosphotaseGluconeogenesis
Zn cofactor purpose: Leukotriene HydrolaseEicosanoid metabolism (breaks down signaling molecules)
Zn cofactor purpose: GustinTaste Acuity
Zinc's Structural function:helps stabilize proteins and cell membranes by quenching free radicals
Which antioxidant aids zinc in getting rid of free radicals in proteins and cell membranes?Superoxide Dismutase
How can the structure of superoxide dismutase be determined?It has both Zn and Cu
Regulatory function of Zn:DNA transcription
What is needed in DNA transcription: 4DNA RNA Polymerase ATP Transcription factors (This is where Zn is located)
Free zinc, once in the blood stream quickly binds to _______ but also sometimes ______ or ________Albumin Transferrin IgG (Immunoglobin)
What are Zinc fingers?Zinc fingers bind with the MRE (the part of DNA being read)
Summary of DNA transcription (3 steps)1) DNA is separated 2) Zinc fingers attach to MRE 3) RNA polymerase reads off code and makes a protein
Zinc aids in cell signaling and influences... (3)1) Hormone release 2) nerve impulse transmission 3) apoptosis
Which two hormones does zinc help release?Insulin adiponectin
What vitamins does zinc interact with? (2)Folate Vitamin A
How does zinc interact with folateincreases ability to be absorbed (bioavailability)
How does zinc interact with vitamin A? (2)1) retinOL-> retinAL 2) Transports vitamin A through blood
Importance of zinc converting retinOL to retinALincreases Rhodopsin which decreases nightblindness
What is rhodopsin made out of?11-cis-Retinal + opsin
Zinc Deficiency symptoms: (10)Taste: loss of taste Wound healing: Poor wound healing, skin rashes Immune system: decrease immune system Growth: Stunted growth, deformed bones, abnormal hair and nails Sexual development: poor sexual development Behavior disturbances decrease Vitamin A transport, decrease folate absorption TWIGS without VITAMINS= bad BEHAVIOR
indirectly, zinc can also effect (3)1) increase odds of spina bifida 2) effect fertility 3) increase risk for pregnancy complications
Zinc status can negatively impact fetus's overall _______ and development of ___________Growth Central Nervous System
Who is at risk for a deficiency? (7)Alcoholics iBs/iBd Children/adolescence Chronic renal disease Elderly vegetarians pregnant/lactating ABCCEVP
zinc exposure can happen through... (3)Skin (denture cream) inhalation ingestion
Symptoms of zinc toxicity: (7)Rough hair Emphysema Arthritis-like symptoms hdL levels decrease Miscarriages Achromotrichia Diarrhea REAL MAD
Zinc aids the immune system by...? (3)1) mediates both innate and adaptive immune system 2) antioxidant enzyme 3)increases activity of Thymulin *Thymulin is a hormone that activates the thymus (creates T cells) don't need to know ^ but might help for memorization
How many mg of Zinc are in multivitamins vs single?multi: 15 mg single: 10-100mg