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level: vocab

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level questions: vocab

accessoryaccessōrius, a, um
tip of elbowacromion, ī, n.
wingāla, ae, f.
angleangulus, ī, m.
anomalyanōmalia, ae, f.
forearmantebrachium, ī, n.
ringanulus, ī, n.
entranceapertūra, ae, f.
arched, arch-shapedarcuātus, a, um
atrium, the upper chamber of each half of heartātrium, ī, n.
upper armbrachium, ī, n.
bronchusbronchus, ī, m.
ballbulbus, ī, m.
small headcapitulum, ī, n.
carotidcarōticus, a, um
wristcarpus, ī, m.
braincerebrum, ī, n.
neck, neck-like structurecollum, ī, n.
coloncōlon, cōlī, n.
linking, junctioncommissūra, ae, f.
condylecondylus, ī, m.
skullcrānium, ī, n.
largecrassus, a, um
diameterdiameter, trī, f.
deltoid, resembling Greek letter deltadeltoīdeus, a, um
fingerdigitus, ī, m.
backdorsum, ī, n.
duodenum (the first division of small intestinal 12 fingerbreadths in length)duodēnum, ī, n.
harddūrus, a, um
flexure, bend, angulationflexūra, ae, f.
bottomfundus, ī, m.
funicle (a small, cordlike structure composed of several to many longitudinally oriented fibres, vessels, ducts)fūniculus, ī, m.
ganglion, nerve nodeganglion, ī, n.
gastricgastricus, a, um
gate, entry of vessels into the bodyhīlum, ī, n; hīlus, ī, m.
humerushumerus, ī, m.
hypoglossal, under the tonguehypoglōssus, a, um
intestineintestīnum, ī, n.
a narrow passage connencting two larger cavities or parts of organisthmus, ī, m.
jejunum, part of the small intestine between the duodenum and ileumjējūnum, ī, n.
liplabium, ī, n.
the widest, wide (in anatomy)lātissimus, a, um
ligamentligāmentum, ī, n.
small lobelobulus, ī, m.
lobelobus, ī, m.
longlongus, a, um
lymphaticlymphaticus, a, um
big, largemagnus, a, um
anklemalleolus, ī, m.
the biggest (in anatomy big)māximus, a, um
situated in/towards the medianmediānus, a, um
membrane/ thick layer of tissuemembrāna, ae, f.
metatarsus, behind the fingers in the footmetatarsus, ī, m.
musclemūsculus, ī, m.
muscular layer around heartmyocardium, ī, n.
nosenāsus, ī, m.
nervenervus, ī, m.
nodenōdus, ī, m.
nucleus, kernelnucleus, ī, m.
nourishingnūtrīcius, a, um
obliqueoblīquus, a, um
closingobtūrātōrius, a, um
belonging to ocular movementsoculomōtōrius, a, um
eyeoculus, ī, m.
esophagusoesophagus, ī, m.
prominent curve process of the ulna, elbow spurōlecrānon, ī, n.
opticalopticus, a, um
organorganum, ī, n.
a small opening (especially entrance into a hollow organ or canal)ōstium, ī, n.
ovaryōvārium, ī, n.
palatepalātum, ī, n.
a flat triangular muscle at the back of the kneepopliteus, a, um
prostate glandprostata, ae, f.
fourthquārtus, a, um
radiusradius, ī, m.
branchrāmus, ī, m.
rectumrēctum, ī, n.
straightrēctus, a, um
redruber, bra, brum
serrated, sawtoothserrātus, a, um
skeletonskeleton, ī, n.
spermaticspermaticus, a, um
under the claviclesubclāvius, a, um
groovesulcus, ī, m.
ankle bone, talus bonetālus, ī, m.
tarsustarsus, ī, m.
thymus glandthymus, ī, m.
belonging to the thyroid glandthyroīdeus, a, um
triangletrigōnum, ī, n.
tubercle (a small knob)tūberculum, ī, n.
uterusuterus, ī, m.
ventricleventriculus, ī, m.
a large entrancevestibulum, ī, n.
nourishmentalimentum, ī, n.
rod-shaped microbebacillus, ī, m.
concretion, stonecalculus, ī, m.
comminutivecomminutīvus, a, um
extremeextrēmus, a, um
jaundiceicterus, ī, m.
intestinal obstructionīleus, ī, m.
infectiousīnfectiōsus, a, um
instrumentīnstrūmentum, ī, n.
a restriction in blood supply to tissues, causing a shortage of oxygen that is needed for cellular metabolismischaemia, ae, f.
injuredlaesus, a, um
placelocus, ī, m.
teacher, counsellormagister, trī, m.
methodmethodus, ī, f.
delaymora, ae, f.
measlesmorbillī, ōrum, m.
diseasemorbus, ī, m.
newbornneonātus, ī, m.
eggōvum, ī, n.
dangerperīculum, ī, n.
periodperiodus, ī, f.
a benign nodulepolypus, ī, m.
preventionpraeventia, ae, f.
boypuer, ī, m.
refuge, place which gives safetyrefugium, ī, n.
scribalscrīptōrius, a, um
spasmspasmus, ī, m.
suppositorysuppositōrium, ī, n.
traumatic, accidentaltraumaticus, a, um
farthest, the lastultimus, a, um
ointmentunguentum, ī, n.
mightyvalidus, a, um
poisonvenēnum, ī, n.
caused by parasitic wormsverminōsus, a, um
virusvīrus, ī, n.
alive, livingvīvus, a, um
beforeante (prep. with acc.)
throughper (prep. with acc.)