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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Is the quantity of matter as described by its energy equivalence.MASS
The ability to do work.ENERGY
Is the transfer of energy.RADIATION
Is the removal of an electron from an atom.IONIZATION
To provide an x-ray beam that is satisfactory for imaging, you must supply the x-ray tube with a _____ and _______.HIGH VOLTAGE AND AN ELECTRIC CURRENT
Emerged as a medical specialty because of the Snook transformer and the Coolidge x-ray tube.RADIOLOGY
Is based on the vibration of atoms of cesium.SECOND (s)
The velocity of light is constant and is sybolized by _____.c: c = 3 × 10^8 m/s.
Law: A body will remain at rest or will continue to move with constant velocity in a straight line unless acted on by an external force.NEWTON'S FIRST LAW: INERTIA
The force (F) that acts on an object is equal to the mass (m) of the object multiplied by the acceleration (a) produced.NEWTON'S SECOND LAW: FORCE
Is the product of mass and velocityMOMENTUM
Is the quotient of work by time.POWER
Is the product (multiplication of) of force and distanceWORK
Is the ability to do work.ENERGY
Is the kinetic energy of the random motion of molecules.HEAT
Is the transfer of heat through a material or by touching.CONDUCTION
Is the mechanical transfer of "hot" molecules in in a gas or liquid from one place to another.CONVECTION
Is the transfer of heat by the emission of infrared radiaiton.THERMAL RADIATION
Is the unit of radiation exposure or intensity.Air kerma (Gya)
Is the unit of Radiation Absorbed Dose.Gray (Gyt)
Is the unit of occupational radiation exposure and effective dose.Sievert (Sv)
Is the unit of radioactivity.Becquerel (Bq)
The smallest particle that has all the properties of an elemnt.ATOM
The fundamental particles of an atom are:ELECTRON, PROTON, AND NEUTRON
Is essentially empty space.ATOM
In their normal state, atoms are electrically ____; the elctric charge on the atom is _____.NEUTRAL, ZERO
The removal or addition of an orbital electron from an atom.IONIZATION
No outer shell can contain more than how many electrons?EIGHT
What is the force that keeps the electron in orbit?CENTRIPETAL FORCE
EQUAL or NOT EQUAL: The atomic mass number and the precise mass of an atom.NOT EQUAL
Have the same atomic number but different atomic mass number.ISOTOPES
Atomic nuclei that have the same atomic mass number but different atomic numbers.ISOBAR
Have the same number of neutrons but different numbers of protons.ISOTONE
Have the same atomic number and the same atomic mass number.ISOMER
Atoms of various elements may combine to form structures are called ____.MOLECULES
The smallest particle of an element is ______. The smallest particle of a compound is ______.AN ATOM, A MOLECULE
The emission of particles and energy in order to become stable.RADIOACTIVITY
This results in emission of alpha particles, beta particles, and usually gamma rays.RADIOACTIVE DECAY
Is the time required for a quantity of radioactivity to be reduced to one-half its original value.HALF-LIFE OF A RADIOISOTOPE
3.3 half lives = _____ life1 TENTH LIFE
Is a helium nucleus that contains two protons and two neutrons.ALPHA PARTICLE
Is an electron emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom.BETA PARTICE
Is a quantum of electromagnetic energy.X-RAY PHOTON
The velocity of all electromagnetic radiation is ______.3 x 10^8 m/s
Is one-half the range from crest to valley over which the sine waves varies.AMPLITUDE
Is the number of wavelengths that pass a point of observation per second.FREQUENCY
Is the distance from one crest to another, from one valley to another, or from any point on the sine wave to the next corresponding point.WAVELENGTH
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: At a given velocity, wavelength and frequency are ______.INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL
Includes the entire range of electromagnetic energy.ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM
TRUE or FALSE: Diagnostic ultrasound is not a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.TRUE
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The energy of a photon is _____ proportional to its frequency.DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL
The only difference between x-rays and gamma rays.ORIGIN
______ is identified by wavelength, ______ is identified by frequency, and ______ are identified by energy.VISIBLE LIGHT, RADIOFREQUENCY, X-RAYS
Interact with matter most easily when the matter is approx. the same size as the photon wavelength.PHOTONS
They behave as though they are particles.X-RAYS
Behaves like a wave.VISIBLE LIGHT
Is the reduction in intensity that results from scattering and absorption.ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY ATTENUATION
DIRECTLY RELATED or INVERSELY RELATED: Electromagnetic energy (radiation) intensity is _____ related to the square of the distance from the source.INVERSELY RELATED
Can be applied to distances greater than seven times the longest dimension of the source.INVERSE SQUARE LAW
Is a discrete bundle of energy.X-RAY PHOTON
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The energy of a photon is ____ proportional to its frequency.DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL
Is the study of stationary electric charges.ELECTROSTATIC
Has mass and energy equivalence. Also may have electric charge.MATTER
Can be created by contact, friction, or induction.ELECTRIFICATION
Unlike charges _____; like charges _____.ATTRACT, REPEL
LAW: The electrostatic force is directly proportional to the product of the electrostatic charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.COULOMB'S LAW
The distribution of this is uniform throughout or on the surface.ELECTRIC CHARGE
A conductor of this is concentrated along the sharpest curvature of the surface.ELECTRIC CHARGE
The unit of electric potential.Volt (V)
The study of electric charges in motion.ELECTRODYNAMICS
Is any substance through which electrons flow easily.CONDUCTOR
Is any material that does not allow electron flow.INSULATOR
Is a material that under some conditions behaves as an insulator and in other conditions behaves as a conductor.SEMICONDUCTOR
INCREASING or DECREASING: _______ electric resistance results in a reduced electric current.INCREASING
LAW: The voltage across the total circuit or any portion of the circuit is equal to the current times the resistance.OHM's LAW
In a series circuit, all circuit elements are connected in a line along the same _____.CONDUCTOR
Contains elements that are connected at their ends rather than lying in a line along a conductor.PARALLEL CIRCUIT
Electrons that flow in only one directions constitute ___; electrons that flow alternately in opposite directions constitute ___.DC;AC
____ watt is equal to 1 A of current flowing through an electric potential of 1 V. Power (W) = voltage (V) x current (A)ONE
Any charged particle in motion creates a ______.MAGNETIC FIELD
OPEN or CLOSED: The lines of a magnetic field are always ____ loops.CLOSED
Is the ability of a material to attract the lines of magnetic field intensity.MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY
Are classified according to the origin of the magnetic property.MAGNETS
All matter can be classified according to the manner in which it interacts with a/an _______.EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD
The degree to which a material can. be magnetized is its _____.MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY
Can be made into magnets by induction.FERROMANETIC OBJECTS
Is proportional to the product of the magnetic pole strengths divided by the square of the distance between them.MAGNETIC FORCE
The SI unit of magnet field strength is the _____. An older unit is the ____.TESLA (T), GAUSS (G)
1 tesla (T) = ____ gauss (G)10,000
Is measured in units of joule per coulumb, or volt.ELECTRIC POTENTIAL
Any charge in motion induces a _____.MAGNETIC FIELD
A coil of wire is called _____.SOLENOID
Is a current-carrying coil of wire wrapped around an iron core, which intensifies the induced magnetic field.ELECTROMAGNET
An electric current is induced in a circuit if some part of the circuit is in a changing magnetic field.ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION
Varrying magnetic field intensity induces a/an _____.ELECTRIC CURRENT
A/An _______ powers the rotating anode of an x-ray tube.INDUCTION MOTOR
This changes the intensity of alternating voltage and current.TRANSFORMER
Has one winding and varies both voltage and current.AUTOTRANSFORMER
Has a single winding and is designed to supply a precise voltage to the filament circuit and to the high-voltage circuit of the x-ray imagine system.AUTOTRANSFORMER
Determines the quality of the x-ray beam.kVp
Is the release of electrons from a heated filament.THERMIONIC EMISSION
The product of x-ray tube current (mA) and exposure time(s) is mAs, which is also ____.ELECTROSTATIC CHARGE (C)
Most exposure timers are electronic and are controlled by a _____.MICROPROCESSOR
Are used on falling-load and capacitor discharge imaging systems.mAs timers
Three primary parts of the high-voltage generator:HIGH-VOLTAGE. TRANSFORMER, FILAMENT TRANSFORMER, and RECTIFIERS
Radiographers outside the United States and Japan may use a frequency of ______.50 Hz
Is the process of converting AC to DCRECTIFICATION
Is required to ensure that electrons flow from x-ray tube cathode to anode only.VOLTAGE RECTIFICATION
Is used when medical imaging systems are describedELECTRON FLOW
With this, the voltage applied across the x-ray tube is nearly constant, never dropping to zero during exposure.THREE-PHASE POWER
Is used in almost all stationary x-ray imaging systems.FULL-WAVE RECTIFICATION or HIGH-FREQUENCY VOLTAGE GENERATION
During capacitor discharge, the voltage falls approximately ____ kV/mAs.1
GREATER or LESSER: Less voltage ripples results in _____ radiation quantity and quality.GREATER
= maximum x-ray tube current (mA) at 100 kVp and 100 msHigh-voltage generator power (kW)
Guards against excessive radiation exposure and electric shock.PROTECTIVE HOUSING
Are designed with a glass or a metal enclosure.X-RAY TUBE
Two primary parts of the CathodeFILAMENT AND FOCUSING CUP
Is adjusted by controlling the filament current.X-RAY TUBE CURRENT
At low kVp and high mA can be space charge limited.THERMIOIC EMISSION
It conducts electricity and radiates heat and contains the target.ANODE
YES or NO: Are higher tube currents and shorter exposure times possible with the rotating anode?YES
Is powered by an electromagnetic induction motorROTATING ANODE
Is the actual x-ray source.FOCAL SPOT
Results in an effective focal spot size much less than the actual focal spot size.LINE-FOCUS PRINCIPLE
The smaller the anode angle, the ___ the heel effect.LARGER
Results in smaller effective focal spot and less radiation intensity on the anode side of the x-ray beam.HEEL EFFECT
Results in reduced x0ray tube life.EXCESSIVE HEAT
Should never be applied to a cold anode.MAXIMUM RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES
The most frequent cause of abrupt tube failure is electron arcing from the filament to the enclosure because of _____.VAPORIZED TUNGSTEN
Is the energy of motion.KINETIC ENERGY
Appoximately __% of the kinetic energy of projectile electrons is converted to heat.99
Are emitted when an outer-shell electron fills an inner-shell void.CHARACTERISTIC X-RAYS
The only characteristic x-rays of tungsten that are useful for imaging.K-CHARACTERISTIC X-RAYS
This type of x-radiation is called _______ because it is characteristic of the target element.CHARACTERISTIC
Are produced when a projectile electron is slowed by the nuclear field of a target atom nucleus.BREMSSTRAHLUNG X-RAYS
In the diagnostic range, most x-rays are _____ x-rays.BREMSSTRAHLUNG X-RAYS
A _______ spectrum contains only specific values.DISCRETE
A _____ spectrum contains all possible values.CONTINUOUS
Have precisely fixed (discrete) energies and form a discrete emission spectrum.CHARACTERISTIC X-RAYS
Have a range of energies and form a continuous emission spectrum.BREMSSTRAHLUNG X-RAYS
Is associated with the minimum x-ray wavelength (λmin).MAXIMUM X-RAY ENERGY
A change in ________ results in a proportional change in the amplitude of the x-ray emission spectrum at all energies.mA or mAs
A change in ____ affects both the amplitude and the position of the x-ray emission spectrum.kVp
Does changing the kVp affect the position of the discrete x-ray emission spectrum?NO, IT DOESN'T
In the diagnostic range, a ___% increase in kVp is equivalent to doubling the mAs.15
The result of ______ is an increase in the average energy of the x-ray beam with an accompanying reduction in x-ray quantity.ADDED FILTRATION
Increasing _______ enhances the efficiency of x-ray production and the energy of characteristic and bremsstrahlung x-rays.TARGET ATOMIC NUMBER
Because of ________, operation with three-phase power or high frequency is equivalent to an approximate 12% increase in kVp, or almost doubling of mAs over single-phase power.REDUCED RIPPLE
Is the number of x-rays in the useful beam.X-RAY QUANTITY
X-ray quantity is proportional to _____.mAs
X-ray quantity is proportional to the _____.kVp^2
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: X-ray quantity is ______ to the square of the distance from the source.INEVRSELY PROPORTIONAL
When SID is increased, mAs must be _____ by SID^2 to maintain constant exposure to the image receptor.INCREASED
Adding filtration to the useful x-ray beam _____ patient dose.REDUCES
Is one description of the ability of an x-ray beam to pass through tissue.PENETRABILITY
Is the reduction in x-ray intensity that results from absorption and scattering.ATTENUATION
Is the thickness of absorbing material necessary to reduce the x-ray intensity to half of its original value.HVL OF AN X-RAY BEAM
The best method for specifying x-ray quality.HVL
X-ray beam quality can be identified by kVp or filtration, but ____ HVL is most appropriate.HVL
INCREASES or DECRAESES: Increasing filtration ______ the quality of an x-ray beam.INCREASES
INCREASED or DECREASED: Added filtration results in _____ HVL.INCREASED
This type of interaction with matter is of little importance to diagnostic radiology.COHERENT SCATTERING
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The probability of Compton scattering is ________ proportional to x-ray energy (1/E) and independent of atomic number.INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL
INCREASES or REDUCES: Compton scattering _____ image contrast.REDUCES
____ is total x-ray absorption.PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The probability of the photoelectric effect is _____ proportional to the third power of the x-ray energy (1/E)^3INVERSELY PROPORTIPONAL
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The probability of photoelectric effect is ____ proportional to the third power of the atomic number of the absorbing material.DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL
Does pair production occur during x-ray imaging?NO
Does photodisintegration occur in diagnostic imaging?NO
Occurs because of Compton scattering, photoelectric effect, and x-rays transmitted through the patient.DIFFERENTIAL ABSOPTION
INCREASES or REDUCES: Differential absorption _____ as the kVp is reduced.INCREASES
HIGH or LOW: To image small differences in soft tissue, one must use ____ kVp to get maximum differential absorptionLOW
PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: The interaction of x-rays with tissue is _____ to the mass density of the tissue regardless of the type of interaction.PROPORTIONAL
The product of absorption and scattering.ATTENUATION
Spatial resolution improves as screen blur _____, motion blur ____, and geometric blur ____,DECREASES 3x
The random fluctuation in the OD of the image.RADIOGRAPHIC NOISE
INCREASES or REDUCES: The use of high-mAs, low-kVp and slower image _____ quantum mottle.REDUCES
An increase in LRE of 0.3 results from _____ the radiation exposure.DOUBLING
INCREASES or REDUCES: Higher fog density ________ the contrast of the radiographic images.REDUCES
Base plus fog OD has a range of approximately _____.0.1 to 0.3
States that the OD on a radiograph is proportional only to the total energy imparted to the radiographic film and independent of the time of exposure.RECIPROCITY LAW
Film contrast is elated to the _______ portion of the characteristic curve.SLOPE OF THE STRAIGHT-LINE
DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL or INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL: Latitude and contrast are _____ proportional.INVERSELY
Unequal magnification of different portions of the same object.SHAPE DISTORTION
the location of something surrounded by other thingsTHICK, THIN
Occurs if the object plane and the image plane are not parallel.DISTORTION
Occurs because the focal spot is not a point.FOCAL-SPOT BLUR
The most important factor for determining spatial resolutionFOCAL-SPOT BLUR
Is small on the anode side and large on the cathode side of the image.FOCAL-SPOT BLUR
The most important influence on subject contrast.kVp
Usually the cause of motion blur.PATIENT MOTION
Keep exposure time as ____ as possible.SHORTÍ