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Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What's the practice of voting to exile an Athenian citizen for 10 years called?Ostracise
Xerxes' most elite division of soldersImmortals
Archon argued for building of large fleet of trirmesThimistocles
Tallest hill in athens, home of the Parthenon and erechtahlonAcropolis
City destroyed by Persians as consequence for Ionian RevoltMiletus
Counsel named after the hill on which it metAreopagus
Athenian assembly, opened to all free male citizensEkklesia
Daedalus'' son which plunged to his death in the Aegean Sea.Icarus
Chief Administrator of Athenian GovernmentArchon
Zoroastrian god of light and truth, associated with Persian kingAhuramazda
Greek historian, primary source of Persian warsHerodotus
Athenian law giver, known for harsh lawsDraco
Wealthiest class of Athenian CitizensPentakossomedimnoi
Archon who created the BouleCleisthenes
How many members were in the Council of Boule500
Modern country in which Persian empire beganIran
Family of Megacles who were banished from Athens with himAlcmaeonid
Founder of the Persian empireCyrus II
What year was the Persian Empire found around?559 BC
Darius Is' secret police: ___ of KingsEyesandears
Unsuccessfully tried to seize power as tyrant and fled AthensCylon
What year did Cylon try to seize power?632 BC
Battle of 480 BC at which Greeks in Sicily defeated CarthageHimera
Region in which Athens is locatedAttica
One of Ten commanders in charge of Athens militaryStrategoi
Greek Tyrant who tried of conquer all of SicilyGelon
What century did Gelon try to conquer all of Sicily?5th century BC
Pisastratus invented this Athenian coin that featured Athena on one sideOwl
Persians kings often portrayed doing this activity on coinageArchery
Battle of 490BC unexpected victory of Athens over PersiansMarathon
Battle of 480BC major Greek victory mot of Persian fleet destroyedSalamis
Provinces of the persian empireSatrapies
Island from which daedalus attempted his winged escapeCrete
How many tribes were Athianians divided into?10
10 tribes into which athenians were dividedPhyala
Primary exports of AthensOliveoil
Number of poleis who joined the Hellenic League to fight the PersiaThirtyone
This polis joined Athens at the Battle of MarathonPlataea
Spartan King who led at Thermopylae, depicated after battle by PersiansLeonidus
Athenian hero who unified their polisTheusus
Wooden tablets used to display Solon's lawsAxones