level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
le matin | morning |
donner | to give |
l'après-midi | afternoon |
partager | to give |
tard et tôt | late and early |
malgré | despite |
èconomies | to save |
même si | even if |
sans | without |
j'espère | I hope |
moche | ugly |
en boîte de nuit | a night club |
animé | lively |
avant | before |
demain et hier | tomorrow and yesterday |
vêtements | clothes |
bijoux | jewelry |
le maquillage | makeup |
tous les jours | every day |
le weekend dernier | last weekend |
le weekend prochain | next weekend |
gagner | to win |
l'année | the year |
le semaine | the week |
souvent | often |
très | very |
trop de | too much |
beaucoup de | lots of |
gentille | kind |
paresseux | lazy |
drôle/rigolo | funny |
la plage | the beach |
a la campagne | in the countryside |
a la montagne | in the mountains |
dans la ville | in the city |
dans le village | in the village |
faire | to do/make |
jouer | to play |
on a | we have |
j'ai | i have |
c'était | it was |
c'est | it is |
boire | to drink |
mange | to eat |
j'ai mangé | i have eaten |
j'ai bu | i drank |