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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

terreō, terrēre (2), terruī, territusfrighten, terrify
animus, -ī, m.courage, mind, spirit;
in animō habēreto have in mind, to intend (+ infin.)
cīvis, cīvis, c.citizen
comes, comitis, c.companion
dominus, -ī, m.master
ignis, ignis, m.fire
imperātor, imperātōris, m.commander, general
pēs, pedis, m.foot
noster, nostra, nostrumour
crās (adv.)tomorrow
magnopere (adv.)greatly
prohibeō, prohibēre (2), prohibuī, prohibitusprevent, prohibit, keep (from)
arbor, arboris, f.tree
frāter, frātris m.brother
gēns, gentis, f.tribe, nation
mēns, mentis, f.mind, attitude
nōmen, nōminis, n.name
potestās, potestātis, f.power
virgō, virginis, f.maiden, virgin
etiam (adv.)even, also, too
numquam (adv.)never
audeō, audēre (2), ausus sumdare
īra, -ae, fanger, wrath
iter, itineris, n.route, journey, trip, march
lītus, lītoris, n.shore
mors, mortis, f.death
nāvis, nāvis, f.ship
unda, -ae, f.wave
vadum, -ī, n.ford, shallow place
ventus, -ī, m.wind
vōs (pron., Nom. and Accus.)you (pl.)
idōneus, -a, -umsuitable
dēfendō, dēfendere (3), dēfendī, dēfēnsusdefend
dīcō, dīcere (3), dīxī, dictussay, speak, tell
dūcō, dūcere (3), dūxī, ductuslead
petō, petere (3), petīvī, petītusseek, beg, ask for, attack
relinquō, relinquere (3), relīquī, relictusleave, leave behind, abandon
hostis, hostis, m.enemy
hostēs, hostium, m. pl.the enemy
numerus, -ī, m.number, amount
capiō, capere (3), cēpī, captusseize, capture, take;
cōnsilium capereto form a plan
cupiō, cupere (3), cupīvī, cupītusdesire, want
mittō, mittere (3), mīsī, missussend
teneō, tenēre (2), tenuī, tentushold, keep
classis, classis, f.fleet
oculus, -ī, m.eye
sōl, sōlis, m.sun
interim (adv.)meanwhile
audiō, audīre (4), audīvī, audītushear, listen to
dēligō, dēligere (3), dēlēgī, dēlēctuschoose, select
interficiō, interficere (3), interfēcī, interfectuskill
jaciō, jacere (3), jēcī, jactusthrow, hurl
veniō, venīre (4), vēnī, ventumcome
vincō, vincere (3), vīcī, victusconquer, defeat
agmen, agminis, ncolumn, line of march
furor, furōris, m.fury, rage, madness
moenia, moenium, n. pl.fortifications, walls
nihil, n.nothing
ūnus, -a, -umone; sole, only
-que (enclitic)and
faciō, facere (3), fēcī, factus (imperative s. – fac)do, make;
proelium facereto fight a battle
frangō, frangere (3), frēgī, fractusbreak, wreck
fugiō, fugere (3), fūgī, fugitūrusflee, escape
gerō, gerere (3), gessī, gestuscarry on, wage (war); wear
jaceō, jacēre (2), jacuīlie, lie down
conjūnx, conjugis, c.husband, wife, spouse
nōn sōlum...sed etiamnot only...but also
āmittō, āmittere (3), āmīsī, āmissuslose
incipiō, incipere (3), incēpī, inceptusbegin, take on
inveniō, invenīre (4), invēnī, inventusfind, come upon
iter facereto march, make a journey, travel
fīnis, fīnis, m.end, limit, boundary; (pl.) territory
somnus, -ī, m.sleep
autem (postpositive conj.)but, however
suprā (prep. + Accus.)above, over
agō, agere (3), ēgī, āctusdo, drive, accomplish;
nihil agereto accomplish nothing
cōnstituō, cōnstituere (3), cōnstituī, cōnstitūtusdecide (+ infin.); station, determine, establish
prōmittō, prōmittere (3), prōmīsī, prōmissuspromise
lūx, lūcis, f.light, daylight
prīma lūxfirst light, dawn
sanguis, sanguinis, m.blood
sōror, sōrōris, f.sister
fēlīx, fēlīcis (Gen.)fortunate, happy
īnfēlīx, īnfēlīcis (Gen.) –unfortunate
potēns, potentis (Gen.)powerful
excēdō, excēdere (3), excessī, excessumgo out, leave, depart
recēdō, recēdere (3), recessī, recessumwithdraw, go back
respiciō, respicere (3), respexī, respectuslook back (at)
amor, amōris, m.love, desire
dolor, dolōris, m.sorrow, grief, pain
ācer, ācris, ācresharp, fierce
omnis, omneall, every
libenter (adv.)willingly, freely
quidem (postpositive adv.)indeed