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level: User Experience UX

Questions and Answers List

level questions: User Experience UX

What is Hedonic Design?Enjoyable design
Why do engineers think about UX?Consumer Products; Need to delight/ engage users Operational Systems; Need to build an intuitive and engaging experience Product Experiences; Need to be aware of whole product experience. THink buying a car (a continuous, streamlined experience)
Other reasons why UX is importantMost people are not rational decision makers that play off emotional ques. Bring in emotion and desirability (hedonic design) For sales and use, but also for changing attitudes Using methods to understand complex requirements (emotions are complext o understand)
What is the link between UX and human factors?Usability is not enough Emotion as well as funciton The flexibility of the web, rich compelling user UXs Multiple diciplines; graphic desingers, artists, not jsut engineers coming together Agile methods; ability for small teams to woork on small products Product and service ecosystems; think about buying a car, each step Persuasive desing to encourage users to use products Marketing and brand; whole experinece become a marketing stratergy
What are some definitions of user experience?ISO 9241-210; Person's perceptions and responses resulting from the use and/or anticipated use of a product, system or service
What roles might be involved in the UX?Graphic Design Interaction design User research Info architects software developers Editorial and user guides physical product design
What is the UX honeycomb?The UX honeycomb is a way of understanding user experience Useful; does it do what it's intedning to do? Usable; Does it function in an understandable manner Findable; is it obvious and releveant to users, can you find it and use it? Credible; belivable, trustworthy Accesible; appropriate for a range of users Desirable; looks appealing, user wants to use and re-use
What one of the main things to consider with the UX honeycomb?The whole user experience, website, garrage, entertainment system, etc
What are some similarities between UX and HF?Both built around ISO9241-210 (understand context, specify users, prototyping, and evaluating. all interatively) Participatory; good ux desing involves engaging with users Observational; seeing what users do, pain points, etc Context is vital. Some similar evaluation techniques (profiles, scenarios, evaluation techniques) Can be more challenging as includes a broad range of user perspectives
What are some challenges associated with UX?It's not concrete; It includes basically everything. Hard to define what it is sometimes Often linked to technical ability; e.g system response time (loading is really boring but needed) Standardised tools; need to do alot of work to understand where things have gone wrong, even with tools. Can overemphasise 'simplicity' and 'intuitive'; can make things too simple, and need to consider what an expert might want UX can be a marginal factor in some settings; Can worry too much about it and forget to get the core usability right Hard to combine form and function; sometimes it can work really well, but look ugly. How do users express emotional needs; very challenging to convert to deisgn requirements. One way is kansei engineering.
How would you apply UX concepts to public electric vehicle charging?More than jsut the point itself. App. loaction. Integration with local area. etc. Useful; Speed of charge. Charge cars.  Desirable; Cheaper than fuel. Faster charging. Positioning. Visual Design. Accessible; Heavy plug. Difficult to plug in? Older users. Wider range of users than just driver. Simple, physical imparements. Credible; Reliability of charging. reliability of information from app. Findable; Convenient Location. App to show location (navigation). Visibility (bright colours) Usable; Easy to use (Universal plug (standardisation)). Clarity of controls