Bydleli v malé chaloupce. | They lived in a small cottage. |
dub | oak tree |
Krejčí často seděl pod stromem. | The tailor often sat under the tree. |
Seděl pod stromem, když usnul. | He was siting under the tree when he fell asleep. |
Zatímco spal, jeho manželka vyšla z domu. | While he was sleeping, his whife came out of the house. |
Vzbudila ho. | She woke him up. |
Řekla naštvaně. | She said angrily. |
Zatím co jsem spal... | While I was asleep... |
V mém snu hlas řekl: | In my dream a voice said: |
Nemůžeš všechno opustit a jít do Londýna. | You can't leave everything and go to London. |
Nebuďte hloupí. | Don't be silly. |
Avšak, krejčí si sbalil tašku a vyrazil do Londýna. | However, the tailor packed his bag and set off to London. |
Byla to dlouhá cesta. | It was a long journey. |
Dorazil do hlavního města. | He arrived in the capital city. |
V té době to byl jediný most přes řeku. | It was the only bridge over the river in those days. |
Nikdo s ním nemluvil. | Nobody spoke to him. |
Když šel po mostě, rozběhli se k němu dva chlapci. | As he was walking along the bridge, two boys ran towards him. |
Strčili do něj a ukradli mu tašku. | They pushed him and stole his bag. |
Pak utekli do davu lidí. | Then they ran away into the crowd of people. |
Měl jsem velmi málo peněz. | I had very little money. |
Krejčíř se posadil na chodník. | The tailor sat down on the pavement. |
Byl to jeden z obchodníků. | It was one of the shopkeepers. |
Zeptal se: Co děláš? | He asked: What are you doing? |
Řekl mu o svém snu. | He told him about his dream. |
Nebudu hledat ten strom. | I'm not going to look for the tree. |
Ani nevím, kde to je. | I don't even know where it is. |
Starý dub | An old oak tree |
Když to uslyšel, vyskočil. | When heard this, he jumped up. |
No, kde je ten poklad? | Well, where's the treasure? |
Popadl rýč. | He grabbed a spade. |
Byla to dřevěná bedna. | It was a wooden box. |