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level: Level-29

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level-29

to suggest a plan, proposal, idea etc for other people to consider or discussput forward,_,They put forward a number of suggestions.
to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about somethingtake into account,_,These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation.
if you take issue with somebody or something, you disagree or argue with someone about somethingtaken issue with,_,It is difficult to take issue with his analysis.
to do something that needs to be organized and plannedcarry out,_,We need to carry out more research.
to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve itlook into,_,We are currently looking into the problem.
to make something clearer or easier to understandclarify,_,Reporters asked him to clarify his position
a clear difference or separation between two similar thingsdistinction,_,There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance.
the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skillacquisition,_,The acquisition of language makes a fascinating study.
to suggest something as a plan or course of actionpropose,_,In his speech he proposed that the UN should set up an emergency centre for the environment.
to say or do something to make your wishes, intentions etc clearindicate,_,The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.
a mistake or problem in an argument, plan, set of ideas etcflaw,_,There is a fundamental flaw in Walton’s argument.
the set of methods and principles that you use when studying a particular subject or doing a particular kind of workmethodology,_,We’ve been developing a new methodology for assessing new products.
a cat with light and dark lines on its furtabby cats,_,She owns several tabby cats.
to say formally that you do not accept something or do not agree with itcontest,_,His brothers are contesting the will.
a short sleep, especially during the daynap,_,I usually take a nap after lunch.
to keep asking someone to do something, or to keep complaining to someone about their behaviour, in an annoying waynag,_,Nadia’s been nagging me to fix the lamp.
to send out electronic signals, messages etc using radio, television, or other similar equipmenttransmit,_,The system transmits information over digital phone lines.
used for, relating to, or resulting from experimentsexperimental,_,A hypothesis is tested by finding experimental evidence for it.
relating to substances, the study of substances, or processes involving changes in substanceschemical,_,Do a chemical analysis of the soil before you plant those bushes.
if you hit a wall, you are suddenly not be able to make any progresshit a wall,_,I felt I’d hit a wall with my playing.
to write a short piece of information quicklyjot down,_,Let me jot down your number and I’ll call you tomorrow.
to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understanddecipher,_,She studied the envelope, trying to decipher the handwriting.
if you have a vivid imagination, you can imagine unlikely situations very clearlyvivid,_,Children can have very vivid imaginations and this can sometimes give them nightmares.
a tragic event or situation makes you feel very sad, especially because it involves death or sufferingtragic,_,The parents were not to blame for the tragic death of their son.
a small shop that sells fashionable clothes or other objectsboutique,_,He owns a chain of fashion boutiques.
information or a story that is passed from one person to another and which may or may not be truerumour,_,I’ve heard all sorts of rumours about him and his secretary.
a way of communicating in which thoughts are sent from one person’s mind to another person’s mindtelepathy,_,A strange closeness developed, a shorthand, a kind of telepathy.
(the) humanities are subjects of study such as literature, history, or art, rather than science or mathematicshumanities,_,She studied humanities at university.
if you pip someone at the post, you beat them at the last moment in a race, competition etc, when they were expecting to winpip him at the post,_,The Maclaren team were narrowly pipped at the post by Ferrari.
happening or done in the same period of timecontemporary,_,The wall hangings are thought to be roughly contemporary with the tiled floors.
a type of matter that scientists think may exist. It cannot be seen but seems to affect the movements of starsdark matter,_,The scientists are studying the existence of dark matter.
causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussedcontroversially,_,He controversially challenged what the president had said.
a person, group etc that gives something, especially money, to help an organization or countrydonor,_,An anonymous donor has given £500 towards the restoration fund.
goods that are being soldmerchandise,_,They inspected the merchandise very carefully.
shiny and smoothglossy,_,She prefers glossy photos to matt photos.
a generous attitude, or generous behaviourgenerosity,_,I shall never forget the generosity shown by the people of Bataisk.
if someone’s honesty, kindness etc knows no bounds, they are extremely honest etcknοw no bounds,_,His ability to make people feel happy and loved knew no bounds.
to regard or describe someone as a particular type of personcast,_,Clinton had cast himself as the candidate of new economic opportunity.
someone who suffers because of something bad that happens or because of an illnessvictim,_,He was the victim of an administrative error.
to move gradually with several small movements, or to make something do thisedge,_,He edged her towards the door.
an imaginary or ancient creature that is large, ugly, and frighteningmonster,_,Many people believe that the Loch Ness Monster exists.
to cause someone’s shame, failure etcundoing,_,In the end, drink was his undoing.
being a perfect example of a particular type of person or thingquintessential,_,‘Guys and Dolls’ is the quintessential American musical.
a very strong feeling of hatredloathing,_,The nightmare left her with a sense of fear and loathing.
able to be divided, for example by a numberdivisible,_,The story is divisible into three parts.
a place in a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the supply of electricitysocket,_,We need to put in some more electrical sockets for the computers.
a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as a cooker or washing machine, used in people’s homesappliance,_,There’s plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances.
showing very strong feelings or opinionsvehement,_,Despite her vehement protests, he pulled her inside.
someone who says bad things about someone or something, in order to make them seem less good than they really aredetractor,_,Even the president’s detractors admit that the decision was the right one.
seeming very boring and unfashionable, and not good in social situationsgeeky,_,Girls don’t seem to be interested in my brother because he's rather geeky.