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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Which structures would you palpate? (Lumbar)Spinous processes Transverse processes Erector spinae/obliques/rectus abdominals
What are we looking for in an anterior posture observation?Ears, Shoulder, Clavicle, Iliac crest, Patella (base + apex), Medial malleolus.
What are we looking for in a lateral posture observation?Centre of ear, Shoulder joint, Greater trochanter, through knee, anterior to lateral malleolus.
What are we looking for in a posterior posture observation?Ears, shoulders, Inferior angle, Iliac crest, Knee creases, Medial malleolus.
How would you clear around the cervical spine?Shoulder- Active movement and overpressure. Flexion, extension, abduction. Thoracic- Active movement and overpressure. Flexion, extension, side flexion (both sides), rotation.
What are we testing for active ROM (Cervical)?Flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation. Apply overpressure.
What are we testing for passive ROM (Cervical)?Flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation.
How would you complete active resisted muscle testing? (Cervical)Flexion- Scalene Extension- Sternocleidomastoid Side flexion- Sternocleidomastoid Rotation- Sternocleidomastoid
What structures would you palpate? (Cervical)Spinous processes Transverse processes Muscles (Sternocleidomastoid)
Which reflex tests are relevant for cervical spine?Biceps tendon reflex Triceps tendon reflex Brachioradialis tendon reflex
What are the dermatomes of cervical spine?C2- Back of head (top half) C3- Back of head (occipital bone) C4- Above/on clavicle C5- Under clavicle C6- Over middle of deltoid C7- Back of arm over tricep (Index + Middle finger) C8- Back of arm behind tricep (Pinky + Ring finger)
What are the myotomes of the cervical spine?C1/C2- Neck flexion C3- Side flexion C4- Shoulder shrug C5- Shoulder abduction C6- Elbow flexion and wrist extension C7- Elbow extension and wrist flexion C8- Finger flexion + Thumb extension
What neurodynamic tests are for cervical spine?Upper Limb Tension Test 1 Upper Limb Tension Test 3
Describe upper limb tension test 1Tests For Median Nerve Shoulder depression, shoulder abduction, external rotation, forearm supination, wrist + finger extension
Describe upper limb tension test 3Tests For Ulnar Nerve Shoulder depression, shoulder abduction, shoulder external rotation, wrist + finger extension, elbow flexion, shoulder abduction.
What is the structure of the assessment?Observation (posture + gait) Active movement with overpressure Passive movement with overpressure Clearing (above + below) Active resisted muscle testing Passive ROM Palpation Neurological assessment (reflex, myotomes, dermatomes) Neurodynamic tests
What are we looking for when assessing gait?Normal gait Heel strike, Foot flat, Midstance, Toe off.
How would you clear around the lumbar spine?(Apply overpressure) Above- Thoracic Flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation. Below- SIJ Place thumbs on SIJ joint and get patient to perform hip flexion on both legs. Feeling for any asymmetry.
What are we testing for active ROM? (Lumbar)Flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation. Apply overpressure and ask if any pain.
What are we testing for passive ROM? (Lumbar)Flexion, extension, side flexion, rotation.
How would you complete active resisted muscle testing? (Lumbar)Flexion- Rectus abdominals Extension- Erector spinae Side flexion- External obliques Rotation- External obliques
Which structures would you palpate? (Lumbar)Spinous processes Transverse processes Erector spinae/obliques/rectus abdominals
What reflex tests are relevant for lumbar spine?Patella tendon test Achilles tendon test
What are the dermatomes for lumbar spine?L1- Below belly button, over iliac crest. L2- Below iliac crest to top of inner thigh. L3- Greater trochanter along inside of leg, inner side of gastrocnemius. L4- Over majority of quads, over knee and along inside of shin. (Big toe) L5- Outside of thigh and along tibialis anterior. (Toes 2-4).
What are the myotomes for lumbar spine?L2- Hip Flexion L3- Knee extension L4- Ankle dorsiflexion L5- Big toe extension
What neurodynamic tests are relevant for lumbar spine?Slump test Femoral Slump test
Describe the Slump testTests sciatic nerve Patient sat down Patient places hands behind back Patient flexes neck and slumps body forwards Knee extension and dorsiflexion of foot
Describe the femoral slump testTests femoral nerve Patient lays on side with tested side on top Patient holds lower knee against chest with neck flexed Upper leg passively moved into hip extension and knee flexion
How many cervical vertebrae are there?7 cervical vertebrae 8 cervical nerves
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?5 lumbar vertebrae 5 lumbar nerves
Why is palpation important?For identifying any tender areas or bone asymmetry.
Why is it important to assess posture?To identify any muscle imbalances or abnormalities to normal anatomy.
Why is gait assessment important?To identify any muscle imbalances.
Why is it important to clear above and below?To identify any referred pain.
Why is active resisted muscle testing important?To ensure the patient has full strength and range of motion.
Why are neurodynamic/neurological assessments important?To identify any nerve damage and the source.
How would you find L4?Find vertebrae in line with iliac crest.
What would you do for PIVMS/PAIVMS?PIVMS- Find intervertebral space by palpating vertebrae and moving patient into extension. PAVIMS- Use pisiform technique to put added pressure on vertebrae.