what are the three types of capillaries | continuous, fenestrated, discontinuous |
continuous capillaries | -normally in muscles
-complete basal lamina
-continuous epithelial lining |
fenestrated capillaries | -gaps between cytoplasm of the cell, in glands ect
-complete basal lamina
-fenostrated (gaps) endothelial lining |
discontinuous capillaries | -allows free passage of fluid and cells through them and found in liver ect
-incomplete basal lamina
-fenestrated endothelial lining |
sinusiods | -large diameter discontinuous capillaries and found where large amounts of exchange occur
-T. intima contains phagocytic cells
-in the liver, some endocrine glands |
capillary beds and arteriovenous shunts | bypass capillary beds (eg in skin for thermoregulation) |
superficial veins | thick walled and no support from surrounding tissue |
deep veins | thin walled and surrounding support from deep fascia and muscles |
lymph capillaries | -lined by thin endothelium and absent/rudimentary basal lamina
-capillaries are closed at one end
-anchoring filaments (fine collagenous filaments link endothelium to surrounding tissue keeping lumen open)
-do differentiate from blood capillaries look for RBC |
what is the vasa vasorum | vessels of the vessels- supply blood to blood vessels |
what is the mediastinum cavity | area in the chest between the two lungs and contsins the heart, part of the trachea, eosaphagus and the great vessels |
what does the pulmonary trunk split into? | the right and left pulmonary arteries |
what is situs inversus? | dextrocardia (major orgns are mirrored and heart may point to the right) is a congenital condition |
what type of epithelium is the epi and endocardium | simple squamous epithelium |
what type of valves are the aortic and pulmonary? | semilunar valves |
what is the serous pericardium | epithelium that secrets pericardial fluid which acts as a lubricant (viseral and periatal pericardium) |
what layer of the pericardium are the coronary arteries located | epicardium |