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Questions and Answers List

level questions: THE AGE OF RATIONALISM

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the kind of writing promoted by the Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge? a. emotionless b. concise c. metaphorical d. precisec. metaphorical
Who among the following is famous for his vision of knowledge derived from experimentation and science separated from theology? a. Jonathan Swift b. Francis Bacon c. Voltaire d. John Miltonb. Francis Bacon
What does Deism teach? a. God can be known only through observation, reason and experimentation. b. God is like a clock working on His own time and mechanism. c. The existence of God can neither be proven nor disproven d. God exists, but does not interfere in nature or human affairs.d. God exists, but does not interfere in nature or human affairs.
Which of the following started to flourish during the Enlightenment? a. banking, satire and mail b. journalism, novel and mass production c. journalism, satire and banking d. novel, mass production and mailb. journalism, novel and mass production
To which of the following can iambic pentameter be compared? a. a marching band b. falling rain c. a running horse d. a beating heartd. a beating heart
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of satire? a. balance b. laughter c. irony d. exaggerationa. balance
What was the edict that the emperor of Lilliput issue that became such a big issue? a. Wear low heels when walking b. Break the Big end of an egg when eating c. Wear high heels when walking d. None of the choicesnot sure
Why was Galileo put under house arrest? a. He believed in the primacy of scripture for life and faith, not Catholic canon law. b. He accepted bribes and other corrupt practices. c. He taught that the sun was the center of the solar system, not the earth. d. He refused to acknowledge the supremacy of the pope or the church fathers.c. He taught that the sun was the center of the solar system, not the earth.
Who wrote a novel about a man stuck in an island for a long time? a. Daniel Defoe b. Robinson Crusoe c. Francis Bacon d. Voltairea. Daniel Defoe
Which of the following is NOT another term for the Enlightenment? a. Neoclassic b. Rationalist c. Augustan d. Rebirthd. Rebirth
To which country does Blefuscu refer? a. England b. Lilliput c. France d. Brobdingnagc. France
According to a direct quote from Francis Bacon, "some books are to be ......" a. chewed b. swallowed c. tasted d. digestedc. tasted
Whose reign was the Age of Enlightenment in England compared to? a. Henry VIII b. Julius Ceasar c. Elizabeth d. Augustus Ceasard. Augustus Ceasar
The quote, "they also serve who only stand and wait," comes from which work? a. Of Studies b. Paradise Lost c. On His Blindness d. Gulliver's Travelsc. On His Blindness
Who included animal rights as part of civil liberties? a. Pope b. Voltaire c. Defoe d. Swiftb. Voltaire
Which of the following is NOT a result of the Age of Enlightenment? a. American Revolution b. Reformation c. French Revolution d. Industrial Revolutionb. Reformation