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Questions and Answers List


One lesson from this story is to keep your mouth shut.Shellneck, Slim and Grim
Life of my life, I shall ever try to keep my body pure, knowing that thy living touch is upon all my limbs. What piece is this?Gitanjali
These were stories, usually involving animals, that spread far and wide.Panchatantra
These guys were intelligent but lacked common sense.The Lion-makers
This piece of literature involves conversations with a wise man.Analects
Then there was neither death nor immortality nor was there then the torch of night and day.Nasadiya Sukta
Which R in the Cornell method should be done after the lecture? a. recite and reduce b. review c. reduce d. reflectc. reduce
Which of the following is NOT an example of deadwood? a. It is b. lastly c. each and every d. at this point in timeb. lastly
Which of the following is NOT plagiarism? a. Using a citation method other than the one prescribed by the school b. Intentionally paraphrasing another author's work with no citation c. Unintentionally failing to provide citation d. Unintentionally making a mistake in providing citation informationa. Using a citation method other than the one prescribed by the school
The literary format in many narrative Persian poemsRubai
The literary device found in the character of EnkiduFoil Character
A story containing a storyFrame
It means "Song Offerings"Gitanjali
The term for a circle that represents the cosmos in Indian cultureMandala
A collection of poems sacred to HinduismVeda
The idea that everything should be true to its nameZhengming
A long, narrative poem usually sung about the exploits of a heroEpic
The Chinese term for the Analects of ConfuciusLunyung
Between two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates)Mesopotamia
What "Nasadiya Sukta" meansHymn of Creation
Which of the following sentences has an empty word? a. The researcher conducted an interview among several students. b. Bread and breakfast is offered by the hotel. c. We checked each and every issue in the building. d. Birds fly.d. Birds fly.
The seduction of Enkidu by Shamhat is comparable to which story in the Bible, according to some scholars? a. The Creation b. The Fall of Man c. The Flood d. David and Bathshebab. The Fall of Man
The temple prostitute who seduced the beast-manShamhat
The goddess who has a lapiz lazuliIshtar
The king in whose library the standard Babylonian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was foundAshurbanipal
The other text that shares a common tradition with the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Genesis accountEpic of Atrahasis
The man who built an ark for a catastrophic floodUtnapishtim
The only one who could have identified father to son and vice-versaZindeh-razam
The two birds commonly narrated by the flood tablet and the Genesis account as being released to check the flood statusraven and dove
The boatmanUrshanabi
The sun godShammash
The beautiful princess of SamanganTehmina
The king of UrukGilgamesh
He is 1/3 human and 2/3 beastEnkidu
The Tragedy of Rustam and Sohrab is from which country?Iran/Persia
The religion of Rustam and SohrabZoroastrianism
The guardian of the cedar forestHumbaba
The gem that Rustam gave to his wifeonyx
The kingdom of RustamZabulistan
The collection of stories from which The Tragedy of Rustam and Sohrab came fromShahnameh
The god who helped humans escape the floodEnki
The name of the fort under attackSapid
The king who insulted RustamKai Kavus
The poet who put the story into writingFerdowsi