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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

Basisphenoid bone and Presphenoid boneWhat two bones make up the sphenoid complex?
mandibular symphysisIn some species, the mandible is an unpaired bone because it is fused at this location:
Occipital bone, temporal bone, parietal bone, and frontal boneWhat are the four cranial PAIRED cranial bones?
Occipital bone, interparietal bone, basisphenoid bone, presphenoid bone, and ethmoid boneWhat are the five UNPAIRED cranial bones?
Nasal bone, lacrimal bone, maxilla bone, incisive bone, palatine bone, zygomatic bone, and pterygoid boneWhat are the 7 paired facial bones?
Vomer boneName the unpaired facial bone of the skull
Incisive boneName bone #1
Nasal boneName bone #2
maxillary boneName bone #3
Zygomatic bone (cut)Name bone #4
Lacrimal boneName bone #5
Frontal boneName bone #6
Parietal boneName bone #7
Occipital boneName bone #8
Temporal boneName bone #9
Sphenoid complexName bone #10
PterygoidName bone #11
Palatine boneName bone #12
From rostral to caudal: Squamous part, tympanic bulla, and petrous partName the three parts that make up the temporal bone.
Nuchal crestWhat is the name given to the most dorsal edge of the occipital bone?
Temporal process of zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal boneWhat two processes make up the zygomatic arch?
ethmoid foramen, optic canal, orbital foramen, rostral alar foramen, round foramen, caudal alar foramenThe pterygopalatine fossa contains 6 foramen, name them from rostral to caudal.
Round foramenWhich foramina communicates to the alar canal from inside of the skull?
Oval foramenWhich foramen is caudal to the alar canal?
Fossa for the lacrimal sacName the foramina at the most rostral aspect of the pterygopalatine fossa.
Infraorbital foramen and maxillary foramenName the two foramen that demarcates the infraorbital canal.
TrueTrue or False: the hypoglossal canal, jugular foramen, foramen lacerum, and oval notch communicate with one another in the horse skull.
Foramen orbitorotundumIn the bovine, the orbital foramen and round foramen fuse to form the:
Infraorbital nerveWhich nerve passes through the maxillary foramen?
Optic nerveWhich nerve passes through the optic canal?
Oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic nerve, abducent nerveName the four nerves that pass through the orbital fissure/foramen.
Maxillary nerve and maxillary arteryName the artery and the nerve that pass through the rostral alar foramen.
Mandibular nerveName the nerve that passes through the oval foramen.
Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)Name the nerve that passes through stylomastoid foramen.
Hypsoglossal nerveWhich nerve passes through the hypsoglossal canal?
Mental nerveWhich nerve passes through the mental foramen?
Mandibular canalThe mental foramina and mandibular fossa form which canal?
4- two one each sideHow many mental foramina do dogs have?
condylar processes of the mandibleWhich process on the mandible articulates with the mandibular fossa?
Tympanohyoid cartilageName structure #1 of the hyoid apparatus.
Stylohyoid boneName bone #2 of the hyoid apparatus.
EpihyoidName bone #3 of the hyoid apparatus.
Ceratohyoid boneName bone #4 of the hyoid apparatus.
Basihyoid boneName the unpaired bone of the hyoid apparatus.
Thyrohyoid boneWhich bone of the hyoid apparatus is directed caudally in all species?
The lingual process of the basihyoid boneThe hyoid process of the large animals has an additional process coming off of the basihyoid bone. What is this process called?
The nasal cavityThe vomer bone is located inside of which cavity?
The orbital ligamentCarnivores do not have complete eye socket. What structure completes the orbital margin?
temporomandibular jointThe mandible articulates with the temporal bone of the skull at which site?
EnamelThe crown of the brachydont tooth is covered by what?
CementumThe root of the brachydont tooth is covered by what?
BrachydontWhich type of tooth, brachydont or hypsodont, has a neck?
DentinWhat part of the tooth makes up a majority of the brachydont tooth and surrounds the pulp cavity?
CementumWhat covers the entire hypsodont tooth?
DiastemaThe gap between incisors and cheek teeth is known as the..
Labial and buccalThe vestibular surface of the tooth can be known as ___ for front teeth, and ____ for cheek teeth.
Lingual and palatineThe inner surface of the teeth can be either ____ for bottom teeth, and ____ for top teeth.
The pigWhich domestic animal is the only mammal with a complete dental compliment?
FalseTrue or False: molar teeth are present in the deciduous dental formula.
Upper P4 and Lower M1Which two teeth in the canine mouth are carnassial teeth?
RuminantsWhich group of animals is missing the first premolar?
Brachydont, hypsodontThe incisor and canine teeth of the cow are _____ while the cheek teeth are _____.
1.5-2 yearsAt what age would you expect to see I1 in the ruminant?
2-2.5 yearsAt what age would you expect to see I2 in the ruminant?
3-3.5 yearsAt what age would you expect to see I3 in the ruminant?
Between 3.5 and 4 years oldA young ruminant has incisors 1,2,3, and erupted incisor 4. How would you age this cow?
9 yearsThe incisors in a ruminant mouth should be level and worn by what age?
A wolf toothThe presence of P1 in the horse is known as..
A capThe remnant of a deciduous tooth blocking the way of a permanent one is known as...?
HypsodontAll of the permanent teeth of a horse are (brachydont or hypsodont)
6 daysThe first deciduous tooth in a horse erupts by what age?
6 weeksThe second deciduous tooth erupts in a foal by what age?
6 monthsThe third deciduous incisors are present in the foal at what age?
2.5 years oldPermanent I1 in the foal erupts at what age?
Approx. 6 monthsFrom the point of eruption to full size, how long does it take for a tooth to grow in the horse?
3.5 years oldAt what age might you expect a foal to have a permanent incisor 2?
4.5 years of ageAt what age might you expect a foal to have incisor 3 present?
5 years oldAt this age, all three incisors have erupted, are level, and have cups
15 years oldA horse has Galvayne's groove present to midway down the length of the tooth. How old is this horse?
At least 15 years oldYou are looking into a horses mouth and see a dental star. How old is this horse?
Older than 5 years but younger than 14.The infundibulum of a horse's tooth has regressed to Cup is Gone. There is no evidence of a dental star. How old is this horse?
7 years oldThe upper corner incisor of a horse has a hook in it. How old is this horse?
Upper P4This tooth is a common place for abscess in cats and can cause various health issues.
Tympano-occipital fissureName the oblong opening between the occipital bone and tympanic part of the temporal bone.
Glossopharngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory nerve (XI)Which 3 nerves pass from the jugular foramen through the tympano-occipital fissure?
TrueTrue or False: Large animals do not have a tympano-occipital fissure.
FalseTrue or False: Large animals do not have a jugular foramen.
RuminantsWhich group of animals does NOT have an interparietal bone?
os rostraleThe nasal cavity of the pig contains an extra bone called the...
Nasal diverticulum or false nostrilThe blind ended dorsal compartment of the nasal cavity in the horse is known as the...
ChoanaeName the caudal opening of the nasal cavity.
Ethmoid boneThis skull bone contributes to the osseus part of the nasal septum in the canine.
Vomer boneThis unpaired bone in the skull supports the nasal septum ventrally.
Nasal vestibuleWhen looking at the nostrils externally, the part this is visible is known as the...?
ConchaeThese are scrolls of thin bones projecting from the wall of the nasal cavity and increase turbulance of air flow.
Dorsal nasal meatusName #1 in the canine nasal cavity.
Dorsal nasal conchaName #2 in the canine nasal cavity.
Middle nasal meatusName #3 in the canine nasal cavity.
Common nasal meatusName #4 in the canine nasal cavity.
Ventral nasal meatusName #5 in the canine nasal cavity.
BovineWhich species contains a middle nasal conchae in their nasal cavity?
Opthalmic and maxillary nervesGeneral sensation of the nasal cavity is provided by branches of which nerves?
olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)Which nerve is responsible for the sense of olfaction?
Olfactory nerveWhich nerve passes through the foramina of cribriform plate to reach the olfactory bulbs of the brain?
Components: olfactory bulb, piriform lobe, hippocampus, septum pellucidum They are located on the ventromedial surface of each hemisphereWhich four components make up the olfactory part of the brain and where are they located?
Olfactory complexThis image is an MRI slice from the telencephalon. Name the complex formed by the highlighted portion.
The vomeronasal organThe two blind ended ducts on either side of the rostral part of the nasal septum are known as...
TrueTrue or False: the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone contributes to the nasal septum.
TrueTrue or False: the alar fold in the horse is suupported by the lamina of the alar cartilage.
TrueTrue or False: in the horse, the nasogastric tube is introduced through the ventral nasal meatus.
Frontal, maxillary, sphenopalatineName the 3 parts of the paranasal sinus in the horse.
EquineIn which species does the frontal sinus and dorsal conchal sinus form a conchofrontal sinus?
Frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, palatine, lacrimalName the 5 parts of the paranasal sinus in the ox.
Lacrimal bullaThe extension of the maxillary sinus in the ox is known as the...
Bovine (ox) has a cornual diverticulum of the frontal sinus in horned animalsWhich species has the most extensive frontal part of the paranasal sinus?
Frontal and maxillary recessName the two components of the paranasal sinus of the dog.
Maxillay recessAn infection in this part of the canine paranasal sinus can cause sinusitus.
Oral vestibuleThe space between the lips and cheeks, and the teeth and gums is known as the..
choanaThe structure that demarcates the end of the nasal cavity and the beginning of the nasopharynx is called the...
Commisure of the lipsName the place where the upper and lower lips join laterally.
Oral fissureName the opening between the lips, which is large in carnivores and small in herbivores.
Root, body, apexThe tongue can be divided into 3 parts. Name the three parts of the tongue.
Lingual frenulumThe tongue is connected to the floor of the oral cavity by the...
LyssaThis worm-like structure is present on the apex of the tongue in DOGS only.
Filiform, conical, fungiform, foliate, vallateName the 5 types of papillae in the tongue of the dog.
Vallate papillaeWhich type of papilla are the largest and resemble glands near the base of the tongue?
Lingual torusName the high, rounded caudal portion of the bovine tongue.
Transverse lingual fossaWhat structure demarcates the beginning of the lingual torus in the cow?
Styloglossus m., hypoglossus m., genioglossus m.Name the three extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
Proper lingual musclesName the intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
Hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII)All of the lingual muscles are innervated by which nerve?
Hypoglossal nerveWhich nerve supplies motor function to the tongue?
Lingual nerve of mandibular nerve (cranial nerve V)Which nerve(s) supply general sensation to the rostral 2/3 of the tongue?
Lingual branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN 9)Which nerve(s) supplies general sensation of the caudal 1/3 of the tongue?
chorda tympani or facial nerve (CN VII) and glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)Which nerve(s) supply taste sensation to the tongue?
Vagus nerveThe caudal most part of the tongue is innervated by which nerve?
Chorda tympani and glossopharyngeal nerveThe lingual glands are innervated by which two nerves?
Cranial nerves 5,7,9, and 10Which 4 cranial nerves are responsible for the general sensation of the tongue?
Zygomatic salivary glandWhich salivary gland is considered a major salivary gland in the dog ONLY?
Parotoid, mandibular, and sublingual salivary glandsName the 3 types of salivary glands that are considered major in all species.
Under the earWhere is the parotid salivary gland located?
Parotid ductName the duct that drains the parotid salivary gland.
It is located caudo-ventral to the parotid gland and it opens at the floor of the mouth.Where is the mandibular salivary gland located and where doe it drain to?
The sublingual caruncleThe mandibular salivary gland is demarcated by which structure?
Monostomatic part and the polystomatic partThe sublingual salivary gland has two parts. Name the two parts of the sublingual salivary gland.
Opposite of the upper last molarWhere does the zygomatic salivary gland open in the dog mouth?
Mandibular and sublingual salivary glandsWhich two salivary glands are innervated by the facial nerve?
Glossopharyngeal nerveThe parotid and zygomatic salivary glands are innervated by which nerve?
Parotid lymph nodeThis lymph node is located at the rostrodorsal edge of the parotid salivary gland and recieves lymph from the dorsal structures of the head.
Mandibular lymph nodeThis lymph node is located at the angle of the mandible in the dog and ox. In the horse, it is several lymph nodes at the intermandibular triangle.
Manibular lymph nodeWhich lymph node receives lymph from the ventral structures of the head?
Medial retropharyngeal lymph nodeThis lymph node lies at the dorsal aspect of the pharynx and is the collecting center of the head in most species.
Lateral retropharyngeal lymph node.This lymph node is the collecting center of the head in cattle and lies rostral to the wing of the atlas.
Hard palateWhich palate demarcates the separation of the nasal and oral cavity?
Palatinus muscleWhich muscle of the soft palate shortens the soft palate?
Tensor veli palatine muscleWhich muscle of the soft palate tenses the soft palate by exerting lateral traction?
Levator veli palatineWhich muscle of the soft palate raises the soft palate?
Palatoglossl archWhich structure demarcates the end of the oral cavity and the begging of the oropharynx?
In the tonsillar fossaWhere are the palatine tonsils located?
Cranial: palatoglossal arch Caudal: caudal border of the soft palate/base of epiglottis Dorsal: soft palate Ventral: root of tongueWhat are the four borders of the oropharynx?
Intrapharyngeal ostiumName the space within the pharynx bound by palatopharyngeal arches.
Cranial: choanea Caudal: intrapharyngeal ostiumName the cranial and caudal boundries of the nasopharynx.
False, the pharyngeal tonsils can only be appreciated grossly in the bovineTrue or False: the pharyngeal tonsils can only be appreciated grossly in the dog.
Cranial: palatopharyngeal arches Caudal: esophagusName the cranial and caudal borders of the laryngopharynx.
Moving a food bolus downstreamShortener/constrictor muscles of the pharynx play a role in which process?
Pterygopharyngeaus m. and palatopharyngeus muscleWhat are the two shortner muscles of the pharynx?
Hyopharyngeus muscle, thyropharyngeus muscle, and cricopharyngeaus muscleName the 3 constrictor muscles of the pharynx.
stylopharyngeus muscleName the single dilator muscle of the pharynx.
stylopharyngeus muscleWhich pharyngeal muscle is responsible for opening to pharynx to receive a food bolus?
TrueTrue or False: the pharynx of the ox will contain a pharyngeal septum and tonsils.
The larynx of the horse protrudes into the nasopharynx which locks the soft palate into a conformation in which air can not move from the mouth into the trachea.Why are horses obligate nasal breathers?
The pharyngeal diverticulumWhat structure is present in the pharynx of the pig only?
Pharyngeal plexusThe pharynx is innervated by which nervous strcture?
Vagus (IX) and glossopharyngeal (X)The pharyngeal plexus is made up of branches from which two cranial nerves?
Nucleus ambiguus (in the medulla)The cell bodies of the pharyngeal plexus are located in which region of the brain?
Guttural pouchThis structure is present in the horse only and is the ventral diverticulum of the auditory tube.
External carotid arteries, cranial nerves 9, 10, 11, and 12Which vital structures make infection of the guttural pouch a dangerous condition and procedure?
Two, each pouch then has a medial and lateral componentHow many guttural pouches does one horse have?
Viborg's triangleWhich surgical approach might we take to drain the guttural pouch to avoid damaging any vital structures?
Angle of the mandible, sternomandibularis, and lingual facial veinWhat are the borders of Viborg's triangle?
Prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), and rhombencephalon (hind brain)Name the three embryonic divisions of the brain.
telencephalon and diencephalonName the parts of the prosencephalon.
Metencephalon and myelencephalonName the two components of the rhombencephalon
telencephalonThe cerebrum is part of which region of the brain?
Dorsal aspect of metencephalonWhere is the cerebellum located?
Medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, and diencephalonName the four components of the brain stem.
RhombencephalonCranial nerves 5-12 arise from which region of the brain?
Cranial nerve VThe pons of the brain gives rise to which cranial nerve?
Myelencephalon (rhombencephalon)The medulla oblongata is made up of which portion of the brain?
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12The myelencephalon gives rise to which cranial nerves?
trapazoid bodyA group of transverse fibers belonging to the acoustic system, located caudally to the pons, are known as the...
PyramidsBands of white matter beside ventral midline that originate at the cerebral cortex and go to the medulla oblongata or the spinal cord are called...
pyramidal decussationThe location at which most of the corticospinal fibers cross midline to reach the spinal cord is called the...
Corpora quadrigeminaThe dorsal part of the mesencephalon contains 2 rostral colliculi and 2 caudal colliculi which make up the _____.
The cerebral aqueductWhich structure separates the rostral and caudal colliculi?
Crus cerebriThe most ventral part of each cerebral peduncle is called the...
MesenchephalonThe oculomotor and trochlear regions of the brain originate in which embryonic portion?
HypothalmusWhich region of the brain contains mammillary bodies?
thalamusWhich structure makes up the largest part of the diencephalon?
Along the dorsal midline of the diencephalonWhere is the epithalamus located?