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level: Vaccines and Medicines

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Vaccines and Medicines

Why were Vaccinations made?-When a Pathogen decided to Come Along, it might take some Time for your Immune System to make you Immune [Make the Antibodies that'll deal with the Pathogen] -Vaccinations Rapidly speed the Process of making you Immune, and much Safer.
What happens in Vaccination?-A Dead, Inactive, or a Weakened Pathogen is Injected that has the SAME Pathogens as the Regular Pathogen has -So the Immune System Deals with it, because its Inside the Body and is 'Foreign' so B-Lymphocytes make Antibodies to Eradicate the Pathogen -But, the Trick is that some of the Lymphocytes stay in the Blood as Memory Cells that will just Remember the Pathogen's Antibodies [This happens also in Regular Scenarios] which means you will be Immunised against that Pathogen - Regular or Tainted
How can Vaccination be Useful in Epidemic [Coranviruse]-Epidemics is just a Massive Outbreak of a Disease [Coronavirus] -If a Large Percentage of the Population is Vaccinated then the Pathogen will have Less of a Chance of Reaching someone who is Unvaccinated because it needs a Host to stay Relevant. [Reason why people may be Unvaccinated is because of Issues with Trust or People who are Allergic so More Harm would be Created]
What are Drugs? Why are Drugs Sold with Restrictions or Prescriptions?-Drugs has the Ability to Alter how the Body Functions - in a Medically Good way, or in a Dangerous, 'Funny' Way -Pharmacy will give Some Drugs, but some will be Restricted because it may be not Useful, or is a Drug that will cause Considerable Side Effects
What are Antibiotics?-These are Chemicals that Kill Bacteria, but not Body Cells -Made from Natural via Fungi and Microbes [Not all are Bad - most of the time they do Nothing but Live] -They are Useful to for Bacterial Infections that the Body may Struggle with; not so much with Viral Infections -Some Bacteria may be Naturally Resistant to Antibiotics, which can be a result of Misusing the Antibiotic or from MRSA [Hospital Beds!!]
What are Antivirals?-Used to treat Viral Infections. -Hard to make because Viruses use the Host Cells to do their Business -so Extracting or Targeting the Virus may Damage Cells -Majority of Antivirals don't Kill the Viruses - just Stop them from Reproducing
What are Antiseptics?-Chemicals that destroy Microorganisms, or Prevents the Growth -Used Outside the Body, to Clean Wounds and Surfaces [Think of Antiseptic has a Prevention Method, not a Treatment Method] -So Domestic Products have lots of Antiseptics, Bathroom Cleaners for Example -MRSA in Hospitals is fought with Antiseptics. Cool