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level: Kinetic Theory

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Kinetic Theory

What is the density of a substance?A measure of how much mass is occupying a particular volume.
Is this object dense or not dense?Dense
Is this object dense or not dense?Not Dense
What effect does changing an objects state of matter have on an object’s density?It will change the density.
What is the formula for density?ρ = m/V
What is the name of this Greek letter?Rho
In the formula ρ = m/V, what is ρ?Rho, density
In the formula ρ = m/V, what is m?Mass
In the formula ρ = m/V, what is V?Volume
How do you calculate the volume of a cylinder?πr²h
How do you calculate the volume of a sphere?4/3πr³
What is mass measured in?kg
What is volume measured in?
What is density measured in?kg m⁻³
If we measure mass in grams and volume in cm³, what will density be measured in?g cm⁻³
If we measure mass in grams and volume in ml, what will density be measured in?g ml⁻¹ ( equivalent to g cm⁻³)
How do we measure and calculate the density of a cuboid?1. Measure the objects mass on a balance. 2. Use a ruler to measure the objects length, breadth and height. 3. Use V=lxbxh to calculate the objects volume. 4. Use ρ = m/V to calculate the object’s density.
How do we measure and calculate the density of a cylinder?1. Measure the mass of the object on a balance. 2. Use a ruler to measure the cylinder’s diameter. Divide by two to get the radius. 3. Use a ruler to measure the cylinders height. 4. Use V = π r²h to calculate the volume. 5. Use ρ = m/V to calculate the cylinder’s density.
How do we measure the density of a liquid?mass of liquid = mass of filled container – mass of empty container then: ρ = m/V
How do we measure and calculate the density of an irregularly shaped object?volume of irregular object = volume of object and water – volume of water alone then: ρ = m/V
What is pressure?A measure of how much force is acting over a particular area.
What is the formula for pressure?p=F/A
In the formula p=F/A, what is p?Pressure
In the formula p=F/A, what is F?Force
In the formula p=F/A, what is A?Area
What is pressure measured in?N m⁻² or Pa
What is force measured in ?N
What is area measured in?
What formula can we use to calculate an objects weight?W=mg
In the formula W=mg, what is W?Weight
In the formula W=mg, what is m?Mass
In the formula W=mg, what is g?gravitational field strength
What is weight measured in? (in the formula W=mg)N
What is mass measured in?kg
What is gravitational field strength measured in?N kg⁻¹
What is earth’s gravitational field strength?9.8 N kg⁻¹
How do we calculate the area of rectangles?A = l x b
How do we calculate the area of circles?A = π r²
What is a fluid?liquid or gas
As the depth of a liquid decreases, does pressure increase or decrease?increase
What is the atmosphere?The layer of gas around the Earth
As the altitude of an object increases, does the atmosphere become more or less dense?Less dense
What causes atmospheric pressure?Air molecules colliding with a surface
As the height above ground level increases does atmospheric pressure increase or decrease?decrease
If an object is more dense than the medium surrounding it, will it float or sink in that medium?sink
What is upthrust/buoyant force?If an object is placed in water, when the depth of water increases, the pressure increases. Since the bottom of the object is deeper than the top, the pressure at the bottom will be bigger than the pressure at the top, resulting in a resultant force upwards.
What causes an object to sink? (explain your answer referring to upthrust, and the object’s weight)If the weight of the object is larger than the upthrust, the object will sink.
How is gas pressure created?due to the vast number of gas particles colliding with container walls and exerting a force over that area
What is the relationship between pressure and volume?Inverse relationship: as volume increases, pressure decreases
what is the relationship between pressure and 1/volume?directly proportional
what do you get when you multiply pressure and volume?a constant value
what is the Boyle’s Law formula?p₁V₁ = p₂V₂
In the equation p₁V₁ = p₂V₂, what is p₁?Initial pressure
In the equation p₁V₁ = p₂V₂, what is p₂Final pressure
In the equation p₁V₁ = p₂V₂, what is V₁?Initial volume
In the equation p₁V₁ = p₂V₂, what is V₂?Final volume
In a container with a large volume, are there more or fewer collisions with the walls?Fewer, as the gas particles have further to travel to collide with the walls
In a container with a small volume, is there a larger or smaller pressure on the walls?Greater, because there are more collisions with the walls due to less distance to travel
What is 0K (zero kelvin) also known as?Absolute zero
What happens to particles in a substance at absolute zero?They stop moving
What is 0K in degrees celsius?-273ᵒC
How do you convert from degrees celsius to Kelvin?Add 273
How do you convert from Kelvin to degrees celsius?Subtract 273
What is the relationship between pressure of fixed mass of gas and its temperature in kelvin?directly proportional
what do you get when you divide pressure of a fixed mass of gas by its temperature in kelvin?a constant value
What is the formula for the relationship between pressure and temperature in K?p₁/T₁ = p₂/T₂
In the formula p₁/T₁ = p₂/T₂, what is p₁?initial pressure
In the formula p₁/T₁ = p₂/T₂, what is T₁?initial temperature (in K)
In the formula p₁/T₁ = p₂/T₂, what is p₂?final pressure
In the formula p₁/T₁ = p₂/T₂, what is T₂?final temperature (in K)
at a high temperature, do gas particles exert a large or small pressure? explain your answerat high temperatures gas particles move more quickly and energetically and collide with the container walls more frequently. this exerts a large force on the container walls, resulting in large pressure
at a low temperature, do gas particles exert a large or small pressure? explain your answerat low temperatures gas particles move less quickly and energetically and collide with container walls less frequently. this exerts a smaller force on the container walls, resulting in a smaller pressure.
what is the relationship between the volume of a fixed mass of gas and its temperature in kelvin?directly proportional
what do you get when you divide the volume of a fixed mass of gas by its temperature in kelvin?a constant value
what is the formula for the relationship between the volume of a fixed mass of gas and its temperature in kelvin?V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂
In the formula V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂, what is V₁?Initial volume
In the formula V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂, what is T₁?initial temperature in K
In the formula V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂, what is V₂?final volume
In the formula V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂, what is T₂?final temperature in K
what is the general (combined) gas law formula?(P₁ x V₁)/T₁ = (P₂ x V₂)/T₂
what do you get when you divide the pressure of a fixed mass of gas multiplied by it’s volume, by its temperature in kelvin? (PV/T)a constant value