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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

COUNTRYI want to live in another country.
COUNTRY MUSIC (COUNTRY WESTERN)Do you like country music?
COUNTRYSIDEDo your parents live in the countryside?
COUNTRYMANMy uncle is a countryman.
COUNTRYFOLKI love the countryfolk of this little town.
COUNTRYWould you like to live in another country?
COUNTRYWOMANShe had the slow, soft voice of a countrywoman.
SORE THROATI have a terrible sore throat.
A SORE THROATA sore throat can be one of the symptoms of Covid-19.
BUSINESSI have my own business.
BUSINESSWOMANShe is a successful businesswoman.
BUSINESSMENThere are a lot of important businessmen in this conference.
POLICEYou should call the police.
THE POLICEThe police are here.
POLICEMANThere's a policeman at the door.
POLICE STATIONDo you know where the police station is?
A PATIENTIs he a patient in this hospital?
PATIENTBe patient!
IMPATIENTYou shouldn't be so impatient.
MY PATIENCEMy patience is running out!
NO PATIENCEI have no patience with spoiled children.
A COURSEI will take a course in computer technology.
THE COURSEWe followed the course of the river.
OF COURSEOf course I can do it!
MAIN STREET BANKWhere is the Main Street Bank?
MAIN COURSEFor my main course, I'd like the lasagna, please!
THE MAIN PROBLEMThe main problem is his financial situation.
THE MAIN IDEAThe main idea of this exercise is to practice pronunciation.
YOUR MAIN REASONWhat's your main reason for studying English?
MY MAIN GOALMy main goal is to be able to speak English fluently.