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level questions: Level 1

THE leading cause of neonatal mortality, also known as a silent killer since infants die before birth is recorded?Neonatal tetanus
a spore forming, gram pos , relatively large, rod shaped anaerobic bacteria, found in soil and intestine and feces of various animals?CLOSTRIDIUM Tetani
Tetanus is an infection caused by?Clostridium Tetani
The pathogenicity of C. Tetani is in the exotoxins they produced. these toxins include?1)Tetanus toxin/ tetanospasmin 2) tatanolysin: the fuct of which is unknown.
Mode of Infection with1) entry body via wounf 2) stays in sporutlated form until anaerobic conditions are availble 3) under anaerobic conditions, germination and production of tetanospasmin 4) tetanospasmin spread via blood and lymphatics and binds to m. neurons 5) travel via axons to spinal cord 6) binds to site responsible for skeletal muscle contraction INHIBITION
tetanus infection occur via?wound, burns, deep puncture, ear/dental infection, animal bites, abortion
production of the tetanus toxin occurs in only the growing bacteria, true or false?true
the only vaccine prventable disease that is infectious but not contagious?tetanus infection
seizures, muscle spasms, lockjaw, contraction of facial muscle fast pulse, fever and sweatingsymptoms of tetanus infection
incubation period of T. infection3-21 days with an average of 8 days.
types of Tetanus infection?uncommon types : local and cephalic common types: generalised and neonatal
the type of tetanus that is milder and involves muscle contraction in the same anatomical area of injury.local tetanus
this type of tetanus invloves ear or head injury and facial muscle contraction?cephalic tetanus
descending pattern: lockjaw, stiff neck, diff. swallowing, rigid abdomen, back muscle spasm. death can occur when spasm interferes with respirationgeneralised tetanus
neonatal tetanus is a form of generalised tetanus that infect neonates. this infection occurs in baby via?non immune mothers. occurs via infection of unhealed umbilical stump cut with unsterile instrument.
diagnosis of c. tetanus is difficlut in culture since 2/3 is neg for c. tetanus. other diagnositic test includeTetanus antibody: r/o meningitis, rabies
treatment of C. tetanus infectionkill c. tetani with penicillin/ tetracycline. neutralize toxin with tetanus immune globulin. immunity does not result after disease
to prevent T. infection, vaccination is advised. the vaccine and admistration include?Tetanus toxoid( Td) if recovering from infection. DTaP vaccine: give to children. however if older than 7, give only Td. administer booster every 10 yrs.