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level: Deserts

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Deserts

Where are Hot Deserts roughly found?-They are found near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
Why do Deserts host little Biodiversity? How can Species survive there?-This is all down to the Climate they Possess, its very Extreme and has Large Temperature Ranges -Species that survive there are very much Adapted to the Environment, which is both Interdependent.
Describe the Climate of a Desert-Climate has very Hot Periods, [40 degrees] and the Night can see it at near Freezing Temperatures -It doesn't really rain, at all [250 mm Annually] -They only really have 2 Seasons, Summer which has around 35-40 Degrees, and Winter: 20-30 degrees
Describe the Soil of a Desert-The soil is Thing, Sandy, Rocky and just Grey -Its also very Dry, so it can soak water up very Effectivity -Also, due to the low Rainfall, the surface may look Crusty, because of the hot water Evaporating, leaving Salts on the Surface
What are Xerophytics?-This is simply Plants, with Adaptation that can allow them to live in such Hot and Dry Areas, a Desert being Perfect for that
What do Xerophytics have that make them able to Live?-Small Leaves: This then means that Less Water is leaving, via Transpiration -Tap Roots: Very long roots that go Underground to try find Water Supplies. They are usually bigger than the Plant itself -Spines, instead of Leaves: This loses more Water, and can provide Protection from Herbivorous. -Waxy Skin: This simply just makes Water Loss from Transpiration minimum -Water Storage: Water is Stored in the Stem, Leaves or the Fruits. This is called a Succulent. This is usually paired with the Waxy Skin
How can the Biotic and Abiotic Factors keep the Desert Stable?1. The Soil gives the Plants with Nutrients and Water, so Survival 2. Plants give the Animals with Nutrients and Water, so Survival 3. Animals helps Plants, allowing them to Reproduce via Pollination 4. Plant Roots helps keep the Soil Together
Give Examples of how Animals have Adapted to the Environment-Fennec Foxes: They have Large Ears which allows more Heat to leave the Body, while also having Fur to allow them to stay Warm during the Night -Camels: They have Fat in the Humps to keep them Running, even when Food and Water un low -Sidewinders: How they move helps with their Traveling and has the Contact with the Hot Sand to a Low
What is Desertification?-This is the Process that Involves the Land turning into Desert, because of the Soil Quality Dropping
Why can Desertification occur?-Population Growth: Places where it hosts Mining and Tourism means the Environment has more Pressure for certain Resources, like Water and Wood -Removal of Wood: Wood in some Places is used for Cooking, so Increase in Population means Less Wood, which means the Roots of the Trees doesn't hold the Soil Together -Overgrazing: Overgrazing from Cattle or Sheep just has the Soil open for Erosion -Climate Change: Climate is getting Warmer, and Drier meaning Less Rain for the Soil to use
How can Desertification be Combatted?-Planting more Trees: Roots from the Trees helps to keep the Soil Together -Improving the Quality of the Soil: Simply reducing the number of Grazing Animals, or switching over to growing Crops, and using the Animals Manure to Fertilise the Crops helps to Strengthen the Soil -Water Management: Earth Dams can Store water in the Wet Season, and then be used to Irrigate the Crops during the Dry Season