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level: Level 1 of Cell membrane and transport

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1 of Cell membrane and transport

Cell membranes have a fluid mosaic. what is it?the phospholipid layer is fluid because the phospholipids are always moving. the proteins are scattered in a mosaic pattern
functions of the cell membrane1. transport 2.digestion 3. immune responses
3 factors molecules have to be to cross the phopholipid bi layer1. small 2. non polar 3. lipid soluble
Diffusionhigh to low concentration no energ req
Facilitated diffusionpolar mols channel or carrier protein high to low
active transportlow to high so against conc g requires energy - atp carrier protein ( have specific binding site that the molecule joins too , changing shape of the binding site so the molecule can be transported ).
co transport2 mols transported together fd= high to low
factors affection the rate of diffusion- temp- kinetic energy - number of proteins -conc gradient -diffusion pathway distance -surface area
osmoisisthe netmovement of water from an area of high water potental to low
How do polar and lipid insoluble molecules cross the the membraneTransport proteins - channel or carrier
Describing transport keywords1. Concentration gradient ( high to low / low to high (atp required ) 2. Transport protein ( channel or carrier ) 3.ATP require aka active transport
Phospholipid bilayer structureextrinsic . intrinsic proteins cholesterol