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Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What was the Spanish Civil War? (1936)-A civil war broke out in Spain. The nationalists were eventually supported by Hitler who then sent troops support -Strengthen the bond between between Mussolini and Hitler, that encouraged him to think that Britain and France were on his sude as they both feared communism.
What was Germany's armed forces to be limited?-Secretly rearming Germany which helped with unemployment -He said he wanted to help the unemployment status and thought it was unfair that other countries were rearming -They didn't do anything, just eased up restirctions.
Rhineland (march 1936)-Hitler took risk to remilitarise the Rhineland, he told the people that if France fright back leave straight away . But they didn't because they had an election and didn't want a risk of war. -He said he was surrounded by the USSR and the French -Did nothing because they were trying to stop crisis in Abyssinia
Germany forbidden to unit with Austria (1938)-Wanted Austria because he thought it belonged to them. Told them to vote and he went to 'oversee' the voting 99% of people wanted to unite. -He thought that Austria belonged to Germany -They did nothing
Sudeten Germans part of the new Czechslovakia (1938)-Munich agreement meant that Hitler could invade the Sudetenland and only that but then he invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia -The Sudetenland was the last part of the treaty to reverse. -The signed the Muchich agreement because they thought that it would be the last thing that they did.
Polish corridor give to Poland (March 1939)-Hitler wanted the Polish corridor, he also singed a Treaty with Stalin (Soviet-Nazi pact) -He just wanted to invade Poland -Seeing as they signed the Polish agreement, they declared war on Poland
What was the Failure of the Disarmament conference?-Series of conferences that were held by the League between 1932-1933. Germany demand other states to disarm to their level, even though they already started building their army -Increased strength of his army, also increased Hitler's support because they were going against the Treaty of Versailles.
What was the Saar plebiscite (1935)-The Saar region was yet again taken under control of Germany. It was important for coal mine and factories. Majority of people voted for Germany which could they didn't like the treaty. -This boosted morale for Germany. this provided him with more Authority, he was then allowed to unite with Austria and the Sudeten Germans.
What was the Anglo German Naval Agreement (1935)-This agreement was singed on June 18th 1935. Between Germany and Britain it was agreement to limit the battle ships to 35% of the royal navy instead. This allowed Germany to go against the treaty, which then made the French sour. -This allowed Germany to show off their battleships as well as show that he beat parts of the Treaty of Versailles. He was clearly rearmed and no one was trying to stop him - felt powerful.
What was the Stresa Font (April 1935)-Stresa front, of France, Britain and Italy that was formed in April 1935 Stresa. To oppose Hitler announces intentions to rearm Germany which violated the terms of the Treaty. -Another ineffective organisation that meant little further evidence to Hitler that one was actually going stop him.
What was the Spanish Civil War? (1936)-A civil war broke out in Spain. The nationalists were eventually supported by Hitler who then sent troops support -Strengthen the bond between between Mussolini and Hitler, that encouraged him to think that Britain and France were on his sude as they both feared communism.
What was the Franco Russian Treaty of Mutual assistance?-France and USSR signed at treaty if they were attacked by Germany. France was worried that they would go down first because they were near Germany -This allowed Hitler to have an excuse to remilitarize the Rhineland to be able to protect themselves.
What is the anti comintern pact and formation of Axis?-A soviet led organisation to promote communists ideology in the other countries. In 1936 German and Japan signed an anti-comintern pact to oppose the USSR. Italy then signed another treaty to make the axis alliance. -Made good allies like Japan and Italy.