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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

PolarThyroid Hormone is Polar or Non-Polar?
T4- Thyroxine T3- TriiodothyronineThyroid Hormone has 2 types, what are these?
Thyroid Follicular Epithelial CellsWhere is Ioidne formed in the Thyroid Gland?
Na-Iodine SymporterType of transporter of Iodine to follicular cells
OrganificationProcess by which iodine is attached to tyrosine AA in thyroglobulin
Non-polarT3 and T4 is polar or non-polar
Pendrinetransporter of iodide ion to lumen
BothTyrosine is polar or non-polar
ThyrotoxicosisToo much Thyroid Hormone in your system
HypothyrodismGlandular destruction or hormone deficiency
HypothyroidismHigh TSH
HyperthyroidismLow TSH
TSHPrincipal marker for thyroid function
subclinical hyperthyroidismNormal T4 level
overt hyperthyroidismHigh T4 level
overt hypothyroidismLow T4 level
By protein carrier (Thyroid binding globulin)If T3 and T4 are non-polar how can it be transported in the blood?
Polar - H20 solubleHydroxyl group makes Tyrosine more _______
Hypothalamic TRHTSH levels are regulated by
anterior pituitary glandtsh is secreted by what gland
Calcitoninparafollicular cells secrete what hormone