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level: The Carbon Cycle / The Nitrogen Cycle / The Water Cycle

Questions and Answers List

level questions: The Carbon Cycle / The Nitrogen Cycle / The Water Cycle

What is an Ecosystem?-This is simply all the Organisms living in the Area, and also the Non-Living Conditions that exist. This could be the Temperature, Soil Quality, and Water Potential
How can Materials be Recycled?-This is done through the Living and Non-living factors of the Ecosystem 1. The Living Things are made up of Elements, that are taken from the Environment 2. These Elements are made into more Complicating Compounds, which are the Foundation of Living Organisms, and Animals take it in 3. Elements are Recycled, due to Waste Products or the Death of the Organism, making them Ready to be used by Plants, back into the Food Chain 4. Dead Organisms and Waste is broken down by Decomposers, making the Elements back into the Soil
Carbon, What takes carbon Away?-Photosynthesis takes Carbon away from the Atmosphere [Carbon Dioxide that is]
Carbon, what brings Carbon back into the Atmosphere?-Respiration from Plants and Animals return Carbon Dioxide back -Carbon Compounds [From the Waste / Dead Organism] in the Soil being Decomposed, so Carbon Dioxide is released back into the Atmosphere -Burning of Fossil Fuels and some Materials [Wood] brings Carbon Dioxide back into the Atmosphere
How % of the Atmosphere is Nitrogen Gas [N₂]-Around 78% of the Atmosphere is filled with Nitrogen Gas
Why can't Plants and Animals simply use the Nitrogen Gas in the Air?-Its Reactivity makes it a problem to be Obtained from the Air, because of the Electron Structure of it [Noble Gas]
So how can Nitrogen in the Air, be turned into Nitrates in the Soil?1. Decomposers break down Proteins, and Urea, into Ammonia [NH₃] which then makes Ammonium Ions. Nitrogen from the Organisms is Recycled 2. Through Nitrogen Fixations, which is simply the process from having Nitrogen in Air, to Nitrates: -Lightning is a way, because of the amount of Energy in the Bolt, Nitrogen reacts with Oxygen and becomes Nitrates -Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria, found in the roots of Legume Plants, and the Soil
What is a Denitrifying Bacteria, and where is it found?-This is a Bacteria that turns Nitrates into Nitrogen Gas, so its Useless to Organisms -This is often found in Waterlogged Soils
How does Legume Plants have a Mutualistic Bacteria with the Nitrifying Fixing Bacteria?-For the Legume Plant, it gets Nitrates Fast and Easily, meaning it can make Proteins from -For the Bacteria, it gets Sugars, Food, from the Plant.
Water Cycle, How does it Happen?-Evaporation from the Sun, and Transpiration from Plants and Trees takes Water into Water Vapor. -The Vapor then Condenses to make Clouds, which will then Precipitate, returning the Water back down
Why is the Water Cycle useful?-This flow of Fresh Water can allow Nutrients to be Transported to Different Ecosystems