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level: A-D

Questions and Answers List

level questions: A-D

AberrationAberration - n.—Deviation from what is normal; flaw; lapse. Aberrant - adj.
AltruismAltruism - n.—The ethical view that one ought to act out of regard for the interests of others.
AnalogousAnalogous - adj.—similar; parallel
ApoliticalApolitical - adj.—without interest or consequences for civil government.
AxiomAxiom - n.—Received or accepted principle; self-evident truth.
BeatifyBeatify - v.—make happy; R.C. Church pronounce in eternal happiness. Beatific-adj.
CircumspectCircumspect - adj.—watchful, cautious, prudent
ColumnistColumnist - n.—journalist writing regular feature for newspaper
ConsecutiveConsecutive - adj.—in unbroken succession
CovenantCovenant - n.—(1) A mutually binding compact between God and His people, sovereignly transacted by the Lord, wherein a promise is made by God which calls for trust on the part of His people and entails obligations of submission which are sanctioned by blessings and curses; (2) a way of life governed by the Law Word of Christ.
CulminatedCulminated - v.—(1) end, especially to reach a final stage; (2) bring to a head or to the highest point; (3) reach the most decisive point; (4) rise to, or form, a summit.
DemagogueDemagogue - n.—a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices.
DispensationDispensation - n.—a distinct administration of God's covenantal relation with man, or the age characterised by such.
DolorousDolorous - adj.—sad; grievous; distressful