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level: Level 1

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level questions: Level 1

ager, agri, m.field
auxilium, -ii, n.aid, help
bracchium, -ii, n.arm, limb
cēra, -ae, f.wax
concilium, -ii, n.plan, counsel
fistula, -ae, f.reed pipe, pipes of Pan
fuga, -ae, f.flight, escape
Pān, m.Pan (a forest divinity, satyr)
papyrus, -i, f.papyrus, reed
гіра, -ае, f.bank (of a river)
satyrus, i, m.satyr
sonus, -i m.sound
Syringa, -ae, f.Syrinx (a nymph)
unda, -ae, 1wave, water, stream
vir, viri, m.man
cēló, -āre, -ãvi, -ātumhide, conceal
dēvoveo, -ēre, -võvi, -võtumdevote
erro, -āre, -āvi, -ātumwander
fugito, -āre, -āvi, -ātumflee, avoid, shun
maneo, ēre, mansi, mansumremain, stay
puto, -āre, -āvi, -ātumto think, to consider
suspiro, -āre, -āvi, -ātumbreathe
teneo, -ēre, -ui, tentumhold, keep, possess, have
video, -ére, vidi, visumsee
umbrosus, -a, -umshady
cēterus, -a, -umother, rest of
dēnsus, -a, -umthick, dense
miser, -era, -erumwretched, unhappy, miserable
nüllus, -a, -umno, none
umbrosus, -a, -umshady
autembut, however
donecuntil, up to the time when
olimonce, once upon a time, formerly
trāns + acc.across
tēcumwith you
mēcumwith me
nobiscumwith us
võbiscumwith you (pl.)
Arcadia, -ae, f.Arcadia
Arcas, Arcadis, m.Arcas (son of Callisto)
caelum, i, n.sky, the heavens
Callisto, f.Callisto (a nymph)
dēlectāmentum, -i, n.delight
fībula, -ae, f.pin
iaculum, i, n.javelin
ira, -ae, f.wrath
lūno, f.Juno (queen of the gods)
Mūsa, -ae, f.Muse
somnus, -i, m.sleep
stella, -ae, f.star
ursa, -ae, f.bear
vestimentum, -i, n.garment, clothes
victor, victoris, m.victor
vitta, -ae,fillet, band
appropinquo, -āre, -āvi, -ātumapproach
cūrō, -āre, -avi, ätumcare for
ēvito, -āre, -āvi, -ātumavoid, shun
iaceo, -ēre, -uilie (at rest)
invoco, -āre, -avi, -ātuminvoke
retineo, -ēre, -ui, -tentumkeep, hold back, restrain
alius, -a, -ud; alii ... aliiother; some ... others
carus, -a, -um + dat.dear (to)
formosus, -a, -umbeautiful, shapely
grātus, -a, -um + dat,pleasing (to)
herbosus, -a, -umgrassy
neglectus, -a, -umneglected
nõtus, -a, -umfamiliar, well-known
pretiosus, -a, -umcostly
sölus, -a, -umalone, lone, only
cuiuswhose (sing.)
eiushis, her, its
propter + acc.on account of, because of
adultera, -ae, f.adulteress
animal, (pl. -alia), n.animal
bracchium, -ii, n.arm, branch
causa, -ae, f.cause, reason
figūra, -ae, f.form, shape, figure
iniūria, -ae, f.injury, hurt, wrong
matricidium, -ii, n.matricide
poena, -ae, 1punishment
sēnsa, -örum, n. pl.sense, feeling
tempus, oris, n.time, times
vēnátor, m.hunter
verbum, i, n.word
villus, i, m.shaggy hair
vox, võcis, f.voice
absum, abesse, afui, āfuturumbe absent, be away
adsum, adesse, adfui, adfuturumbe present, be near
exspecto, -āre, -āvi, -ātumawait, wait for
fugito, -āre, -āvi, -atumflee, avoid, shun
horresco, -ere, horruigrow rough
tendo, -ere, tetendi, tentum or-sumstretch out, extend
transporto, -äre, -avi, -ātumtransport, carry
benignus, -a, -um + datkind (to)
ferus, -a, -umwild
hümānus, -a, -umhuman
idoneus, -a, -um + datsuitable (for)
immotus, -a, -umunmoving
nātus, -a, -umborn
pronus, -a, -umbent over, prone
raucus, -a, -umhoarse
supplex, -icis, m., f., n.as a suppliant, pleading
territus, -a, -umterrified
tuus, -a, -umyour (sing.)
vicinus, -a, -umneighboring
a (interjection)ah!
cum (conj.)when
post + acc.after
quotiēnshow often
terthree times, thrice
ter quinquefifteen (3 x 5)