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level: 3.2 Chromosomes

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 3.2 Chromosomes

what is the process of autoradiography?1) chromsome
What are homologous chromosomes?same structure and loci positions
What is another name for a chromosome?chromatid
What determines child's sex?the Y chromosomes from the sperm, if present child will be male
what are heterosomes?chromosomes that determine sex
what are autosomes?chromosomes that don't determine sex (in body cells)
what is the difference in chromosome structure in eukaryotes and prokaryotes? (5 each)pros: genophore and plasmid not membrane bound not protein bound compact (no introns) horizontal gene transfer of plasmids with sex pili euks: linear chromosomes membrane bound bound with histone proteins compact for better storage
what is the order of organisation for DNA? (7)1) DNA 2) Nucleosome 3) Chromatosomes ( linked with H1 histone) 4)Solenoid 5) 30 nm fibre 6) chromatin 7) chromosome
which organells have DNA?chloroplast and mitochondria =can do self replication
what are karotypes? How are they seen? what can be found out with them?number and type of chromosomes seen by: harvesting cells from fetus / WBC induced cells (condensed DNA) fetus gender chromosome abnormalities
what is autoradiography used for?imaging technique that uses radioactive sources to measure DNA length because in mitosis DNA is too compacted to be accurate
how does down syndrome affect the chromosomes? how does it happen?Trisomy of chromsome 21 (3 copies) caused by no separation of chromosomes in mitosis (non-disjunction)
what is amniocentesis? what are the problems surrounding it?used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in fetus collected from anmniotic fluid at 16 weeks 0.5% risk of miscarriage
what is chorionic villi sampling? problems?used to detect chromosomal abnormalities from placental tissue at 11 weeks 1% chance of miscarriage
what are chromosomes?single double stranded DNA molecule
what is the process of autoradiography? (6) (hint: AgBr and RA)1) cells grown in radioactive thymidine and is mixed with the DNA 2) cells are lysed to isolate chromosomes and embedded on a slide 3) placed in RA sensitive mixture of AgBr (silver bromide) 4) radiation from thymidine changes Ag+ = insoluble Ag 5) excess AgBr is washed away = leaving Ag (small black dots) 6) film develops to show chromosomal DNA
What are the other discoveries with autoradiography about DNA? (3)DNA replication forms a replication bubble pro replication as a single origin of replication DNA replication is bidirectional and independent