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level: Metals

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Metals

Why do Metals have the Same Basic Properties?-This comes from the Special type of Bonding that happens there
Explain what happens inside Metal, in terms of Atoms, and Bonding-The Outer Electron of the Metal becomes Free, and can move around Freely -The Atom then becomes Free, which is in a Sea of Free Electrons -Metallic Bonding is the Electrostatic Attraction between the Free Electron, and the Positive Ion. This happens in All Directions, because the Free Electron can Move Around
Where are Metals in terms of the Periodic Table?-Left hand Side of the Periodic Table -This can explain why it Loses its Outer Electrons, because the Left Hand side typically do this to get a Full Outer Shell.
Explain some of the Properties Metals have-Hard, Dense and Shiny [Lustrous] -Strong Attraction of Ion and Free Electron = Strong Metallic Bonding = Strong Metallic Bonding = High Melting and Boiling Point. -Have a high Tensile Strength [Strong] -Can be Hammered into Different Shapes [Malleable] -Sea of Free Electrons equals Electricity -Heat Energy can also be carried through the Metal
What happens when Metals React with Oxygen? What about Non-metals-It makes Metal Oxides -They are usually Solid at Room Temperature, and can make Basic Solutions when Dissolved in Water. -Non-Metals can also react with Oxygen, to make Oxides. They can make Acidic Solutions in Water
If Metals are Mixed with other Elements, what does this Create? Why would this Happen?-Pure Metals maybe aren't Entirely right for the Job. -The Properties can be changed when Mixed with Other Elements -This creates an Alloy -Alloys have Different Properties from their Main Metal/s they contain [Can be harder, more Corrosion Resistant etc...]
What Properties do Non-Metals have? Are their any Exceptions to this?-They have Low Melting and Boiling Points -When Solid, they are Weak and Brittle [Shatter] -They have Lower Density's -They can not Conduct Electricity -Carbon [eg] Breaks some of these