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level: Practical 4

Questions and Answers List

Muscles of the Lower Body, Digestive System (Accessory Organs), and Digestive System (GI Tract)

level questions: Practical 4

The star indicates...Vastus Medialis Oblique
The star indicates...Sartorius
The star indicates...Adductor Longus
The star indicates...Semimembranosus
The star indicates...Gracilis
The star indicates...Adductor Magnus
The star indicates...Vastus Lateralis
The star indicates...Rectus Femoris
The star indicates...Vastus Medialis Oblique
The star indicates...Sartorius
The star indicates...Vastus Lateralis
The star indicates...Vastus Intermedius
The star indicates...Vastus Medialis Oblique
The star indicates...Sartorius
The star indicates...Semitendinosus
The star indicates...Biceps Femoris
The star indicates...Gluteus Maximus
The star indicates...Gastrocnemius
The star indicates...Soleus
The star indicates...Flexor Digitorum Longus
The star indicates...Psoas Major
The star indicates...Sartorius
The star indicates...Iliacus
The star indicates...Rectus Femoris
The star indicates...Tensor Fascia Latae
The star indicates...Iliotibial Tract
The star indicates...Gluteus Medius
The star indicates...Tensor Fascia Latae
The star indicates...Iliotibial Tract
The star indicates...Gluteus Minimis
The star indicates...Piriformis
The star indicates...Soleus
The star indicates...Tibialis Anterior
The star indicates...Extensor Digitorum Longus
The star indicates...Peroneus Longus
The star indicates...Peroneus Brevis
The star indicates...Tibialis Anterior
The star indicates...Extensor Digitorum Longus
The star indicates...Peroneus Longus
The star indicates...Peroneus Brevis
The star indicates...Extensor Digitorum Brevis
The star indicates...Tibialis Posterior
The star indicates...Popliteus
The star indicates...Common Hepatic Duct
The star indicates...Left Hepatic Duct
The star indicates...Right Hepatic Duct
The star indicates...Common Bile Duct
The star indicates...Cystic Duct
The star indicates...Gall Bladder
The star indicates...Right Lobe
The star indicates...Falciform Ligament
The star indicates...Left Lobe
The star indicates...Accessory Pancreatic Duct
The star indicates...Minor Duodenal Papilla
The star indicates...Greater Duodenal Papilla
The star indicates...Pancreatic Duct
The star indicates...Parotid Gland
The star indicates...Submandibular Gland
The star indicates...Tongue
The star indicates...Teeth
The star indicates...Sublingual Gland
The star indicates...Esophagus
The star indicates...Esophageal Hiatus
The star indicates...Pyloric Region
The star indicates...Greater Curvature
The star indicates...Lesser Curvature
The star indicates...Cardiac Region
The star indicates...Fundus
The star indicates...Body of Stomach
The star indicates...Greater Curvature
The star indicates...Lesser Curvature
The star indicates...Gastric Rugae
The star indicates...Pyloric Sphincter
The star indicates...Duodenum
The star indicates...Transverse Colon
The star indicates...Teniae Coli
The star indicates...Ileocecal Valve
The star indicates...Ileum
The star indicates...Jejunum
The star indicates...Transverse Colon
The star indicates...Ascending Colon
The star indicates...Cecum
The star indicates...Descending Colon
The star indicates...Sigmoid Colon
The star indicates...Rectum
The stars indicate...Teniae Coli
The star indicates...Vermiform Appendix
The star indicates...Haustra
The star indicates...Oral Cavity
The star indicates...Pharynx
The star indicates...Esophagus