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Positive reaction for Urobilinogen: light to dark pink
Classic test to differentiate urobilinogen from porphobilinogenWatson-Schwartz Differentiation Test
main reacting agent for Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)Copper sulfate
Provide a simple, rapid means for performing medically significant chemical analysis of urine, including pH, protein, glucose, ketones, blood, bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrite, leukocytes, and specific gravityReagent Strips
What does reagent strip contains?pH, protein, glucose, ketones, blood, bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrite, leukocytes, and specific gravity
Consist of chemical-impregnated absorbent pads attached to a plastic strip. A color-producing chemical reaction takes place when the absorbent pad comes in contact with urine.Reagent Strips
he reactions are interpreted by comparing the____produced on the pad with a chart supplied by the manufacturer.color
Allowing the strip to remain in the urine for an extended period may cause ____ of reagents from the pads.leaching
Care of Reagent Strips 1. Store with desiccant in an_______, tightly closed container.opaque
Care of Reagent Strips Store below____; do not freeze.30C
Care of Reagent Strips Do not expose to ___fumesvolatile
Determined by the concentration of free H+pH
as H+ increases, pH decreases (becomes more acidic)True
as H+ decreases, pH increases (becomes more alkaline)True
Normal urine pH for random specimen4.5 – 8.0
Normal urine pH for first morning5.0 – 6.0
Normal urine pH for With normal protein diet4.5 – 6.5
What type of bacteria that causes an acidic urine?Eschericia coli
It has a principle of Double-indicator system of methyl red and bromthymol bluepH
It has a principle of change in pKa of a polyelectrolyteSpecific Gravity
Often associated with early renal disease.Protein
major serum protein found in urine serum and tubular microglobulinsAlbumin
produces by the tubules and forms the matrix of all types of castsTamm-Horsfall protein
What is the normal range of protein?<10 mg/dL or 100 mg/24 hrs
It has a principel of protein error of indicatorsProtein
Confirmatory test for proteinsulfosalicyclic acid (SSA) precipitation test.
Interpretation?Noticeable turbidity
Interpretation?Turbidity with granulation with no flocculation
Interpretation?Clumps of protein
(+) Reagent strip & (-) SSAAlbumin
(+) Reagent strip & (+) SSAAlbumin
(-) Reagent strip & (-) SSAProteins other than albumin
radiographic dyes, tolbutamide metabolites, cephalosporins, penicillin and sulfonamidesCauses false positive for protein
highly alkaline urine, very dilute samplesFalse negative for urine
Clinical significance: detection of Diabetes MellitusGlucose
What is the normal quantity of glucose?15 mg/dL
Renal Threshold for glucose160 – 180 mg/dL
Tests for Glucose that is general test for glucose and other reducing sugars.Benedict’s Test
Reagent for Benedict's testBenedict’s Solution
Principle for Benedict's testrelies on the ability of the glucose substances to reduce copper sulfate to cuprous oxide in the presence of alkali and heat
Tests for Glucose that is non-specific for glucoseCopper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)
Sensitivity of Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)200 mg/dL
main reacting agent for Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)Copper sulfate
effervescent for effervescentSodium Carbonate and Citric Acid:
provides alkaline medium for Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)Sodium hydroxide
provides heat for Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet)Sodium hydroxide
What is the positive reaction for Copper Reduction Method (Clinitest Tablet): blue to orange/red
Interpretation?Presence of glucose
Interpreration?Presence of non-glucose reducing sugar
Interpretation?Presence of small amount of glucose
Interpretation?False positive reaction
Normally, NO BLOOD in the form of ___, ____, or _____ should be detected in the urinehematuria, hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria
Presence of ____ is clinically significant ( Microscopic Hematuria)>5 RBCs/uL
Interpretation?Bleeding is renal or genitourinary origin
Interpretation?Lysis of RBC produced in urinary tract, particularly in dilute, alkaline urine. May result from intravascular hemolysis
Interpretation?Characterized by “cola drink” or “black coffee” urine
Interpretation?Red/Pink with haptoglobin
Interpretation?Clear and Negative
Interpretation?Red and Positive
Myoglobin levels must be _____ before red pigmentation25mg/dL
Ammonium sulfate precipitates _____hemoglobin
Principle for blood in reagent stripPseudo-peroxidase activity of hemoglobin
Presence in urine implies that an inflammatory process is occurring in the kidney or urinary tractLeukocyte Esterase
Indicates pyuriaLeukocyte Esterase
Used for screening of urine culture specimens Correlates with: protein, nitrite, microscopic examinationLeukocyte Esterase
Principle of Leukocyte esteraseLeukocyte esterase
POSITIVE reaction of : Leukocyte esterasePurple color
strong oxidizing agents, formalin, highly pigmented urine, nitrofurantoinFalse Positive for Leukocyte esterase
High concentration of protein, glucose, oxalic acid, ascorbic acid, gentamicin, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, inaccurate timingFalse Negative for Leukocyte esterase
Rapid, indirect method for detection of bacteria capable of reducing ___Nitrite
Most common organisms that infect the urinary tractProteus spp., E. coli. Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Nitrite correlates with?Protein, Leukocytes, and microscopic examination
Principle for NitriteGreiss reaction
Positive reaction for nitritePink color
Products of fat metabolismKetones
Normally NOT present in urinePresence of ketone bodies in urine results from increased fat metabolism due to abnormal carbohydrate utilization.
3 ketone bodies1. Acetone 2. Acetoacetic acid 3. Beta-hydroxybutyric acid
Increased accumulation in the blood leads to ____ imbalance, dehydration, and, if not corrected, _____and eventual diabetic _____.electrolyte acidosis and coma
Testing for urinary ketones is most valuable in the management and monitoring of _____insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus.
Principle of ketoneSodium nitroprusside
Positive color of KetonePurple Color
Provides sodium nitroprusside, glycine, disodium phosphate, and lactose in tablet formACETEST
Added for better color differentiationLactose
About 10x more sensitive to diacetic acid and acetoneACETEST
ACETEST DOES NOT detect what?betahydroxybutyric acid
A highly pigmented yellow compound that is a product of hemoglobin degradationBILIRUBIN
appears in the urine when the normal degradation cycle is disrupted by obstruction of the bile duct (e.g., gallstones or cancer) or when the integrity of the liver is damaged.Conjugated bilirubin
Principle of BilirubinDiazo Reaction
Positive reaction of BilirubinTan/Pink to Violet
Clinical Significance of BILIRUBINScreening of abnormal hepatobillary function
More sensitive than diazo reaction in reagent stripsIctotest
Consists of testing mats and tablets containing pnitrobenzene-diazonium-ptoluenesulfonate, SSA, sodium carbonate, and boric acid.Ictotest
Positive result for BilirubinBLUE TO PURPLE
Negative result for Bilirubincolors other than blue or purple
A colorless pigment formed from bilirubin breakdown in the intestinesUROBILINOGEN
Appears in urine because as it circulates in the blood on the way to the liver, it may mass through the kidneys and be filtered by the glomerulus.UROBILINOGEN
Normal urine urobilinogen<1 mg/dL
Principle for UROBILINOGENEhrlich’s Reaction
Positive reaction for Urobilinogenlight to dark pink
Early detection of liver disease • Liver disorders, hepatitis, cirrhosis, carcinoma • Hemolytic disordersUROBILINOGEN
Reagent: p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, sodium acetate (added to enhance reaction)Ehrlich’s Tube Test
Result for Ehrlich’s Tube TestCHERRY RED COLOR
Rapid screening test for porphobilinogen (2mg/dL)Hoesch Test (Inverse Ehrlich)
Hoesch Test (Inverse Ehrlich) ReagentHoesch reagent (Ehrlich reagent dissolved in 6M HCl)
RESULT: RED COLOR upon addition of reagent (presence of porphobilinoen)Hoesch Test (Inverse Ehrlich)
Urobilinogen is inhibited by?acidic pH
Classic test to differentiate urobilinogen from porphobilinogenWatson-Schwartz Differentiation Test