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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What is the definition of a disabilityA disability is a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse (medical model) effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities (social model)
What are the types of intelligenceCrystallised → can improve through education and experience . e.g. vocabulary, general knowledge Fluid → tends to be static. e.g. non-verbal reasoning
What is the difference between the medical model and social modelMedical model → Understanding of disabilities is based in quantitative science and leads to treatment. Practice should be evidence based Social model → Based in qualitative methodologies. Disabilities are a socially constructed phenomena
Features of down syndrome>Not familial --> due to an extra chromosome which can be due to non-disjunction More common when the mother is older Delays in speech and language, such as articulation, sentence length and syntax Progressive IQ decline --> Brain has reduced volume Problems with short and long term memory, adaptive behaviour and executive functions Life span of 60 years
How would you work with LD patientsTalk to them as people – not over them Be aware that they do not process information easily, but will indicate that they have Acknowledge that they have the same emotions and feelings as others Recognise that they will have problems with memory, as well as organisation and time estimation
What classification systems have been introducedClassification systems such as DSM-5 and ICD-10 and the criteria used for diagnosis