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level: Group 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 1

DecimationThe killing or destruction of large species or a group
ObliterateDestroy utterly, wipe out
Overwhelmhave a high emotional effect, destroy, drown beneath
InundateOverwhelm with things or people to deal with
PetiteAttractively small and dainty
MyriadCountless or extremely great in number
Protractedlasted longer than expected
OrdealVery unpleasant and prolonged experience
OverbearDomineering, to overwhelm
WinsomeAttractive or appealing in a fresh way
VisageFacial expression
FacileIgnoring the true complexities, superficial; effortless
DebonairConfident, stylish and charming
HistrionicExcessively dramatic in character or style
BleakCharmless and inhospitable, dreary; cold and miserable
LanguishLose or lack vitality, grow weak; fail to make progress, be forced to remain in an unpleasant place
EloquentFluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
CarpComplain or find fault continually on trivial matters
CatholicDiversified, Including a wide variety of things
BigotedPrejudiced, partial, discriminating
FoolhardyRecklessly bold and rash
ImpugnDispute(argue about) the truth, validity or honesty
IncessantContinuing without pause or interruption
InveterateLong-established and unable to change
PatentEasily recognizable, obvious
PetulantChildishly sulky and bad tempered
PithyTerse(short, concise) and vigorously expressive
PliantEasily influenced, easily bent
SanctimoniousMaking a show of being morally superior to other people