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level: Group 4

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Group 4

GratifyGive pleasure or satisfaction
HeedPay attention to, take notice of
JudiciousDone with good judgement or sense
Pertinentrelevant to a particular matter
ProprietyDecency, honesty, decorum
ScintillatingSparkling, flashes of light, Brilliantly and excitingly clever
SensationalCausing great public interest and excitement
SophisticatedHaving a great deal of worldly knowledge, developed to a high degree of complexity
StrifeAngry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues
Understatedescribe or represent as being smaller or less good or important than it really is
UnscrupulousHaving or showing no moral principles, dishonest
VeracityConformity to facts, accuracy
VirulentExtremely severe or harmful in effects
VolatileLikely to change rapidly and unpredictably especially for the worse
BanishExpel, get rid off
BridleShow one's resentment or anger
ComplyAct in accordance with a wish or command
CrestfallenSad and disappointed
CurtailReduce in extent or quantity, impose a restriction on
ElucidateMake clear, explain
EvadeEscape or avoid, elude
Fecklesslacking initiative or strength of character
FesterBecome septic, suppurate, deteriorate physically or mentally
ImmureEnclose or confined, lock up
ImproviseCreate and perform spontaneously or without preparation
InhibitPrevent or prohibit
InscrutableImpossible to understand, mysterious
LionizeTreat as celebrity, give a lot of public attention
MonotonousDull, tedious, lack of variety
PremeditateThink out or plan beforehand