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level: Level 3

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 3

consideration transferred is measured at _______ at acquisition datefair value
cash or other monetary assets fair value =the amount of cash or cash equivalent dispersed
when the settlement is deferred at the time of acquisition date, deferred payment fair value =the amount the entity would have to borrow to settle the debt immediately (present value of the obligation)
when the settlement is deferred at the time of acquisition date, Discount rate used =entity's incremental borrowing rate
Assets such as property, plant, and equipment, investments, licenses and patentsnon-monetary assets
non-monetary fair value =if active second-hand market exists, obtained by reference to those
equity instruments fair value =for listed entities, reference is made to the quoted prices of the shares at acquisition date
liabilities undertaken fair value =present values of expected future cash outflows
An obligation of the acquirer to transfer additional assets or equity interests to the former owners of an acquiree as part of the exchange for control of the acquiree if the specified future events occur or conditions are metcontingent consideration
T/F: In an contingent consideration, may also give the acquirer the right to the return of previously transferred consideration if specified conditions are mettrue
An add-on to the base acquisition price that is based on events occurring or conditions being met some time after the purchase takes placecontingent consideration
Exchanged for awards held by the acquiree's employeesshare-based payment awards
share-based payment awards measurement =market based measure
T/F: The acquirer is not obliged to replace the acquiree's awards if the acquiree or the employees have the ability to enforce replacement, either all or a portion of the market-based measure of the acquirer's replacement awards is included in measuring consideration transferred in the business combinationFalse, the acquirer is obliged to replace the acquiree's awards if the acquiree or the employees have the ability to enforce replacement, either all or a portion of the market-based measure of the acquirer's replacement awards is included in measuring consideration transferred in the business combination
T/F: Acquisition related costs are excluded from the measurement of the consideration paidTrue
They are as follows: □ Costs directly attributable to the combination □ Indirect, ongoing costs, general costs including the cost to maintain an internal acquisition departmentAcquisition-related costs
T/F: Acquisition-related costs, If associated with a business combination are accounted for as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred and the services are receivedtrue
T/F: Costs of issuing equity instruments/share issuance costs are not excluded from the consideration and accounted for separatelyfalse, they are excluded from the consideration and accounted for separately
These costs are accounted for in accordance with PAS 32Costs of issuing equity instruments/share issuance costs
These outlays should be treated as a reduction in the share capitalCosts of issuing equity instruments/share issuance costs
T/F: Costs of issuing equity instruments/share issuance costs reduce the proceeds from equity issue - reducing the additional paid-in capital, net of any related income tax benefittrue
Share premium/Additional paid-in capital from the related issuance not enough to absorb cost of issuing equity instruments/share issuance cost▪ excess should be debited to 'Share Issuance Costs' ▪ treated as a contra shareholders' equity account as a deduction in the ff order of priority: 1. Share premium from previous share issuance 2. Retained Earnings with appropriate disclosure
T/F: Additional acquisition-related restructuring costs = unless represented by acquisition-date liabilities, are not expensed as incurred because they affect acquisition costFalse, Additional acquisition-related restructuring costs = unless represented by acquisition-date liabilities, are expensed as incurred and do not affect acquisition cost
T/F: Listing fee for initial public offering of shares = outright expensetrue
Deemed as yield adjustments to the cost of borrowingcost of issuing debt instruments
T/F: Cost of issuing debt instruments are excluded in the measurement of the liability as bond issue cost and should not be amortized over the life of the debtFalse, they are included in the measurement of the liability as bond issue cost and amortized over the life of the debt
Legal fees, finders and brokerage fees, advisory, accounting valuation (valuers) and other professional or consulting fees to affect the combinationDirect attributable cost
General and administrative costsIndirect acquisition costs
Transaction costs such as stamp duties on new shares, professional adviser's fees, underwriting costs and brokerage fees might be incurredcost of issuing securities
Professional adviser's fees, underwriting costs and brokerage feesCost of arranging and issuing debt securities or financial liabilities