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level: Metabolically Injured Organsims

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level questions: Metabolically Injured Organsims

Metabolically Injured Organsims- injury caused by heating, freezing, drying, irradiation, chemical food preservatives, sanitizing compounds
Sub-lethal injurydamage can be repaired
Lethal injuryResults in death of the cell
Characteristics of injured organsims- unable to grow in selective media - need time to repair their injury - sensitive to selective agents (salt, antibiotics, dyes, high T) - some severely injured cells are oxygen sensitive - need non-selective medium for resuscitation: incubate anaerobically to grow
Cellular sites of damage- cytoplasmic membrane - ribosomes - enzymes - DNA
Why determine number of injured cells?- don't know # injured --> overestimate effectiveness of treatments - injured cells can repair and retain virulence to cause disease
Determine injured cells in food sample- plate sample on both non-selective and selective agar media - incubate and count colonies on both agar media - # injured cells = # colonies on non-selective (injured and non-injured cells) - # colonies on selective (non-injured cells)
Viable but "non-culturable" organisms (VNBC)- SPC count less than actual viable population - first noted in marine vibrios - difficult to grow during winter months - factors causing VBNC: drop in temp, nutrient limitation
Cellular changes in VBNC cells- changes on cell lipids - new proteins made - rod shaped cells change to coccoid